Systems & Extras Flashcards
A sac or saclike bodily cavity, especially one containing viscous lubricating fluid. Located between a tendon and a bone or at points of friction between moving structures
The armpit
Refers to the head or skull
The upper, outer surface of an organ, appendage, or body part
Refers to the area of the hip bones on either side of the body
Refers to the chest
The naval - The site that marks where the umbilical cord was present
Integumentary System
bodily system consisting of the skin and is associated structures such as the hair, nails, sweat glands, and sebaceous glands
Lymphatic System
subsystem of the circulatory system which protect the body against disease
Nervous System
consist of large muscles that are allow us to move, cardiac muscles in the heart, and smooth muscles of the internal organs
Endocrine System
consist of the glands in tissue that release hormones and work with the nervous system in regulating metabolic activities
Either of two main branches of the trachea, leading directly to the lungs.
A thin-walled, cartilaginous tube descending from the larynx to the bronchi and carrying air to the lungs. Also called windpipe.
How does the Circulatory system work?
Blood pumps through the Superior and Inferior Vena Cava
» The right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from the body’s tissue
» Blood passes through the Tricuspid vavle (AV vavle) to the right ventricle
» Pulmonary semilunar vavle
» The right ventricle passes blood through the Pulmonary Artery
» Lungs
» Pulmonary Veins (right & left)
» Oxygenated blood from the pulmonary vein returns to the Left Atrium
» Blood passes through the bicuspid (mitral) valve to the left ventricle
» Left Ventricle ejects blood through the aortic (semilunar) valve into the aorta for transport in the systemic circuit
» Arteries
» Capillaries
» Veins
Efferent System
System designed to cause action; consists of the somatic and autonomic system
Somatic System
System responsible for voluntary action
Autonomic System
System that processes and activates involuntary action
Afferent System
The part of the PNS that sends messages to the CNS
Growth Hormone
[Anterior Pituitary]
Stimulates tissue growth; mobilizes fatty acids for energy; inhibits CHO metabolism
More hormone secretion with increased exercise.
No effect on resting values; trained individuals tend to have less dramatic rise during exercise
[Anterior Pituitary]
Stimulates production and release of thyroxine from thyroid gland
More hormone secretion with increase
[Anterior Pituitary]
Stimulates production and releases cortisol, aldosterone and other adrenal hormones.
Trained individuals have increased exercise values
(FSH & LH)
[Anterior Pituitary]
Trained females have depressed values.
Trained males have depressed testosterone, with probably no change in LH & FSH
FSH works with LH to stimulate production of estrogens and progesterone by ovaries and testosterone by male testes.
No hormone secretion change
[Anterior Pituitary]
Inhibits testosterone; mobilizes fatty acids.
More secretion with exercise increase.
Some evidence that training lowers resting values
[Anterior Pituitary]
Blocks pain; promotes euphoria; affects feeding and female menstrual cycle.
More secretion with long duration exercise
[Posterior Pituitary]
Controls water secretion by kidneys.
More secretion with exercise increase.
Some evidence that training results in slight reduction in ADH at a given workload
[Posterior Pituitary]
Stimulates muscles in uterus and breasts; important in birth and lactation
[Adrenal Cortex]
Promotes use of fatty acids and protein catabolism; conserves blood sugar insulin antagonist; has anti-inflammatory effects with epinephrine
Controls stress
Increase secretion in heavy exercise only
Trained individuals exhibit slight elevations during exercise
[Adrenal Cortex]
Promotes retention of sodium, potassium, and water by kidneys.
Increase secretion with exercise increase
[Adrenal Medulla]
Facilitates sympathetic activity, increases cardiac output, regulates blood vessels, increases glycogen catabolism and fatty acid release.
Epinephrine secretion with heavy exercise.
Norepinephrine secretion with increase exercise.
Decrease in secretion at rest and same exercise intensity after training
Thyroxine T4
Triiodithyronin T3
Stimulates metabolic rate; regulates cell growth and activity.
More secretion with exercise increase
Reduced concentration of total T3 and in increased free thyroxine at rest.
Increased turnover of T3 and T4 during exercise
Promotes CHO transport into cells; increase CHO catabolism and decrease blood glucose; promotes fatty acid and amino acid transport into cells.
Secretion increase with exercise increase
Promotes release of glucose from liver to blood; increases fat metabolism.
Secretion increase with exercise increase.
Smaller increase in glucose levels during exercise at both absolute and relative workloads
Raises blood calcium; lowers blood phosphate.
Secretion increase with long term exercise
Controls menstrual cycle; increases fat deposition; promotes female sex characteristics
Secretion increase with exercise; depends on menstrual phase
Controls muscle size; increases number of red blood cells; decreases body fat; promotes male sex characteristics.
Secretion increase with exercise
Stimulates aldosterone secretion.
Secretion increase with exercise increase