System Technologies Flashcards
Why do we use computers
For efficiency
-computers work faster than humans
-do intricate jobs humans cant
For labour
-reduces mentally intensive, mathematical and physical jobs
- use resources more sparingly
How do computers aid communication?
Allows cheap/free file sharing, video conferencing, VOIP
What are non-portable computers
Computer system units that can’t be moved. Composed of a computer, screen, mouse and keyboard. Servees generally made up of these.
What are portable computers?
All in 1 hardware designed computers that make use of operating systems
Discuss the 4 portable computers
Laptops, tablets that use pen/touch sensitive touch screens, smart phones which have an opperating system and can download other apps and phablets that are in between smart phones and tablets
What are personal users?
People that don’t use computers often or for significant use. Generally for everyday use like browsing and entertainment
What are SOHO users?
Small Office Home Office. A small business that requires slightly more powerful computing and possibly a small server
What are power users?
Need lots of computing power and specialised traits
What are mobile users?
Anyone who wants to use computers mobiley
What is convergence?
The combining of 2 different systems of functions for the benefits and functionality of both in 1. For example smart phones