Syphilis Flashcards
What causes syphilis?
Treponema pallidum
How is syphilis transmitted?
What are the symptoms of congenital syphilis?
Abortion/stillborn Hepatosplenomegaly Rash with desquamation Anaemia Hutchinsons incisors Cluttons joints Saddle nose and frontal bossing
What are the symptoms of primary syphilis?
Highly infectious painless chancre
+/- LNs
What are the symptoms of secondary syphilis?
Rash on trunk, soles and palms
Condylomata lata (flat white warts) at site of primary chancre
What are the symptoms of tertiary symptoms?
Aortic aneurysm
AV disease
Gummatous- painless granulomas that erode skin/bone
How do you diagnose syphilis?
Dark field microscopy + PCR from ulcer/LN
Serology: ETA, TPPM, IgG
VRDL and RPR for monitoring
How do you treat syphilis and what is the risk?
IM benthazine penicillin
Jarish-Herxheimer reaction- flu like
How do you treat neurosyphilis?
Prednisolone 3/7
Procaine penicillin 2/52
Probenecid 2/52
How do you follow up syphilis?
RPR and VDRL at 3,6 and 12 months
How do you prevent syphilis?
Screen all women at booking
Safe sex practices