Synaptic Transmission in the CNS (Week 2 and 3--O'Dell) Flashcards
Fast excitatory synaptic transmission
Fast excitatory synaptic transmission is mediated by ligand-gated ion channels, which allow for rapid depolarization
NTs used: acetylcholine and glutamate
Features of NMJ synapses
Synaptic inputs: one-to-one (each muscle fiber receives input from one motor neuron)
Excitatory or inhibitory: inputs are excitatory only
NTs and receptors: acetylcholine only NT and nicotinic ACh receptor only
Reliability of synapse: extremely reliable (high safety factor) because every AP in motor neuron leads to AP in postsynaptic muscle fiber
Features of synapses in the CNS
Synaptic inputs: CNS neurons receive synaptic inputs from hundreds (or more) presynaptic cells
Excitatory or inhibitory: excitatory, inhibitory and modulatory
NTs and receptors: many different NTs act through many different postsynaptic receptors (even multiple receptors for a single NT!)
Reliability of synapse: some synapses have high safety factor but many are unreliable (some presynaptic APs only evoke NT release at the presyn terminal 10-20% of the time, even when NT is released doesn’t always cause postsyn AP, might need 100s of presyn axons at once to evoke postsyn AP)
Why is location of stimulation (vesicle release) important?
Because synaptic potentials propagate passively
Synapse that contacts postsynaptic cell near cell body (trigger zone) will have much stronger influence on wehther or not postsynaptic cell reaches threshold
Two distinct types of postsynaptic receptors in CNS
1) Ligand-gated ion channels: transmitter receptors that form ion channels through the plasma membrane
2) G protein-coupled receptors: act via heterotrimeric G proteins to modulate excitability in the postsynaptic cell through a variety of second messenger pathways
What determines whether the postsynaptic cell fires an action potential?
Postsynaptic cell must summate opposing (or additive) synaptic potentials and integrate them
If summated synaptic potential reaching the action potential initiation site (trigger zone) near the cell body is above threshold, the postsynaptic cell will fire an AP
Which properties of the membrane are important in determining how synaptic inputs influence firing in the postsynaptic cell?
Time constant: determines time course of synaptic potentials, so affects temporal summation (ability of synaptic potentials generated at diff points in time to summate with each other); long time constant means prolonged duration of potential so facilitates temporal summation and more likely to elicit AP
Length constant: determines how synaptic potentials will decay as a function of distance, so affects spatial summation (ability of synaptic potentials generated at different locations in a postsynaptic cellsto summate with each other); long length constant means synaptic potentials can propagate farther so facilitates spatial summation and more likely to elicit AP
Where are inhibitory synapses usually found?
Inhibitory synapses often found on or near cell body of postsynaptic cell because this allows axosomatic inhibitory synapses to negate EPSPs arriving from synapses located on more distal regions of dendrites and prevent postsynaptic cell from firing
Where are excitatory synapses usually found?
Excitatory synapses usually somewhere on dendritic tree of postsynaptic cell (axodendritic synapses onto dendritic spines)
Side note: dendritic spines are specialized biochemical compartments that may be involved in controlling processes involved in synaptic plasticity
Two types of ACh receptors in the CNS
1) Nicotinic: activated by nicotine, ACh, some blocked by alpha-bungarotoxin; ligand-gated ion channels
2) Muscarinic: activated by muscarine and ACh; G protein-coupled receptor modulates intracellular signaling pathways
Subunits of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the CNS
5 subunits
Subunit composition is different and more variable than in those in NMJ
8 alpha subunits and 3 different beta subunits that combine in different ways to generate different types of nAchR
Subunit composition of neuronal nAchR has dramatic effects on properties of channels (high/low affinity, alpha bungarotoxin sensitivity, Ca2+ permeability)
alpha4beta2 subunit combinations are common
alpha7, alpha8, alpha9 subunits can form functional nAchR without combining with other subunits (homomeric channels)
Different types of nAchR in CNS
Receptors made from alpha2-6 subunits (plus betas) have high affinity for nicotine and ACh but NOT blocked by alpha bungarotoxin
Receptors made from alpha7-9 have lower affinity for nicotine and ACh and are sensitive to alpha bungarotoxin
Receptors made from alpha2-4 (plus betas) are equally permeable to Ca2+ and Na+
Receptors made from alpha7 only (homomeric) are 20x more permeable to Ca2+ than Na+ (these are on presynaptic terminals and let Ca2+ in to enhance release of other NTs!)
When Ca2+ enters the cell, what does it do?
Presynaptically: triggers release of NTs (glutamate, GABA, dopamine) to modulate synaptic transmission
Postsynaptically: turn on second messenger pathways (or is this presynaptically too?); allow Ca2+ to flow into the cell and adds to the Ca2+ that comes in just because of the presynaptic AP?
How do we know that nicotinic receptors are important?
Smoking (nicotine) is very addictive
Cholinergic pathways are disrupted in Alzheimer’s disease where there is a loss of high-affinity nAch receptors (presumably alpha4beta2 type)
The primary fast excitatory synaptic transmitter in the CNS
Receptors are all ligand-gated ion channels made of 4 subunits
3 main classes of receptors for glutamate are: AMPA, NMDA, kainate
AMPA receptors
Ligand-gated ion channel for glutamate
Can be activated by AMPA
AMPA receptors are responsible for the bulk of fast excitatory synaptic transmission in the CNS
Made from 4 subunits using GluR1-4
Ion channel is permeable to both Na+ and K+ and usually has very low permeability to Ca2+ due to presence of GluR2 subunits
What is different about an AMPA receptor that has no GluR2 subunit?
High permeability to Ca2+
Note: may have decreases in GluR2 expression in pathological states like after transient ischemia
Delayed cell death induced by transient global ischemia
48 hours after ischemia, cells are fine but 7 days after ischemia, lots of cells are dead
Transient ischemia down regulates GluR2 expression –> make AMPA receptors that are permeable to Ca2+ –> cell death?
NMDA receptors
Ligand-gated ion channels activated by NMDA
Require glycine (an AA) as a co-agonist
High permeability to Ca2+ ions
Blocked by extracellular Mg2+ in a voltage-dependent manner (when membrane potential is very negative)
Receptors need 3 signals in order to open: (1) glutamate binding, (2) postsynaptic depolarization (from other channels), and (3) glycine
Kainate receptors
Ligand-gated ion channel for glutamate that is activated by kainic acid
Can be postsynaptic and generate slow excitatory postsynaptic potentials or presynaptic and regulate NT release
Sit out at periphery of synapse far away from where glutamate released so might not be stimulated unless lots of glutamate
Kainate receptors first make signal stronger by adding positive ions but then make signal weaker due to voltage gated inactivation of Ca2+ channels (presynaptically?)–negative feedback
NTs that do fast inhibitory synaptic transmission