Brainstem (Week 2--Houser) Flashcards
Why is the brainstem so important?
1) Ascending and descending tracts of the spinal cord pass through
2) Cranial nerves located here
3) Centers for regulation of respiration, cardiovascular activity, consciousness, sleep-wake cycle all here
Caudal to rostral organization of brainstem
Continuous with spinal cord caudally
Brainstem begins at foramen magnum
Medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain
Rostrally is diencephalon (thalamus)
Dorsal to ventral organization of the brainstem
Dorsally is tectum, which is the location of the superior and inferior colliculi
Cerebral aqueduct and 4th ventricle
Tegmentum covers entire brainstem (region of cranial nerve nuclei, reticular formation and chemically-identified systems)
Basis is most ventral (region of many ascending and descending tracts)
Caudal medulla
Gray matter surrounds central canal that is continuous with spinal cord
Dorsal columns of spinal cord extend to medulla and fasciculus gracilis continues to nucleus gracilis and fasciculus cuneatus continues to nucleus cuneatus
On ventral surface, have pyraminds (myelinated fibers) and anterior median fissure
Rostral medulla
Central canal expands into 4th ventricle on dorsal surface; lower apex of 4th ventricle where it narrows into central canal is the obex
Area postrema is in walls of ventricle at the obex, and this region has no normal BBB but instead monitors blood for toxins and can trigger vomiting (“vomiting center”)
Hypoglossal nucleus and dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus are most medial on floor of 4th ventricle
On ventral side of rostral medulla, have pyramids and olives (more lateral) with inferior olivary nucleus (looks like mini-brain…) that provide major input to cerebellum
Inferior cerebellar peduncles (restiform body) are dorsolateral and extend toward cerebellum
Nucleus ambiguus
Caudal Pons
Transversely oriented mass of fibers on ventral surface in basis pontis
Looks like “bridge” between cerebellar hemispheres but fibers do not connect cerebellar hemispheres, they connect pontine nuclei (within the basis pontis) to the cerebellum
Brachium pontis or middle cerebellar peduncle are large groups of fibers that enter cerebellum
Large 4th ventricle
Superior, middle and inferior cerebellar peduncles
Superior cerebellar peduncle: rostral pons, roof of 4th ventricle
Middle cerebellar peduncle: pons
Inferior cerebellar peduncle: rostral medulla, dorsolaterally
Rostral Pons
Brachium conjunctivum or superior cerebellar peduncle is at roof of 4th ventricle
4th ventricle is closing down
Caudal midbrain
4th ventricle has turned into cerebral aqueduct (aqueduct of Sylvius)
Periaqueductal gray is gray matter around cerebral aqueduct
Cerebral peduncles on ventral surface, contain large groups of (myelinated) fibers descending from cortex to brainstem and spinal cord (corticopontine and corticospinal fibers)
Inferior colliculi are auditory
Superior cerebellar peduncle crossing
Rostral midbrain
Mickey mouse with “o” for mouth!
Cerebral aqueduct
Superior colliculi are visual (not in main visual path but receive visual input in parallel with lateral geniculate nucleus of thalamus and participate in visuomotor control)
Cerebral peduncles on ventral surface, contain large groups of fibers descending from cortex to brainstem and spinal cord (corticopontine and corticospinal fibers)
Interpeduncular fossa between peduncles (oculomotor nerves emerge from interpeduncular fossa)
Substantia nigra is dorsal to axons of cerebral peduncle and divided into pars compacta (dorsal, contains DOPA neurons) and pars reticulata (ventral, contains GABA neurons); all part of basal ganglia system
Red nuclei?
Superior and inferior colliculi
Superior colliculi: visual; dorsal surface of (rostral) midbrain
Inferior colliculi: auditory; dorsal surface of (caudal) midbrain
Substantia nigra
In midbrain
Part of basal ganglia
Lots of cell bodies
Pars compacta: dorsal, contains DOPA neurons
Pars reticulata: ventral, contains GABA neurons (in ventral tegmental area (VTA))
How are brain slices usually oriented?
Dorsal down
Ventral up
Location of cranial nerve nuclei vs. nerves
Nuclei (cell bodies): located dorsally
Nerves exit ventrally or laterally
Idealized (general) view of organization of brainstem nuclei at level of medulla
Motor nuclei medial, sensory nuclei lateral lined along dorsal surface of medulla (adjacent to 4th ventricle)
Separated by sulcus limitans (just as they are in the spinal cord)
This is general plan of cranial nerve nuclei but during development some nuclei shift ventrally and pattern is disrupted
Order of cranial nerves rostrally to caudally
Ascending numerical order rostrally to caudally starting with CN III in midbrain and XII in medulla
CN III (oculomotor)
Somatic motor nucleus and visceral motor (autonomic) nucleus (Edinger-Westphal nucleus)
Motor neurons innervate all extraocular eye muscles (incl LPS) except SO4 and LR6 to move eye up and in
Motor neurons except superior rectus project to ipsilateral eye
Emerges from interpeduncular fossa of midbrain
Damage to CN III (oculumotor)
Damage to CN III causes down and out deviation of the eye due to unopposed action of superior oblique and lateral rectus
Lateral position of eye is called lateral strabismus
Patient will have diplopia (double vision)
Lose innervation of LPS which causes ptosis (drooping of eyelid)
Axons of fibers to extraocular muscles are on the inner surface of the nerve and are sensitive to vascular disease
Usually compressed between medial temporal lobe, cerebral peduncle and edge of tentorium
Edinger Westphal nucleus
Provides autonomic component of CN III
Para pre neurons that form synapses in ciliary ganglia and then postganglionic neurons innervate pupillary constrictor and ciliary muscles
Axons of neurons in E-W nucleus travel with CN III
Normal function is to provide pupillary constriction
Damage to E-W nucleus
Damage to E-W nucleus causes dilation of pupil (mydriasis) on ipsilateral side
Patient will have no pupillary light reflex (because can’t constrict pupil!)
Axons of these neurons are on the external surface of the nerve so are damaged first, sensitive to compression, so might see pupil dilation (blown pupils) as first symptom of CN III damage
Note: other eye WILL have reaction to light when light shined in contralateral eye because signal to both E-W nuclei from shining light into just one eye!
Pathway of pupillary light reflex
1) Light into one eye
2) Signal travels bilaterally to pretectum
3) Signal to E-W nucleus
4) Signal to ciliary ganglion
5) Para post to pupillary constrictor to constrict pupils
CN VI (abducens)
Innervates lateral rectus and abducts eye
Smallest and most medially located CN (out of VI, VII, VIII) that leaves the ventral surface of the brainstem along the groove between the basis pontis and medulla–just medial to medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF)
Normally, CN VI innervates LR on same side and projects through MLF on opposite side to innervate CN III neurons for medial rectus (lateral gaze so both eyes look at the same thing)
Damage to CN VI (abducens)
Damage to CN VI will cause eye on affected side to deviate medially (medial strabismus) and have difficulty moving laterally (abduction)
Also cannot move contralateral eye medially
Together, this is lateral gaze paralysis
Usually compressed over the temporal bone
CN IV (trochlear)
Innervates superior oblique muscle on the contralateral side
Superior oblique moves eye downward and partially in (adducted)
Nerve fibers come out dorsally below inferior colliculus of midbrain and above pons??
Damage to CN IV (trochlear)
Damage to CN IV causes diplopia (vertical) and affected (contralateral) eye appears slightly elevated and has trouble moving down and adducted
Diplopia may be most noticeable when person looking down
CN XII (hypoglossal)
Innervates muscles of the tongue
Nucleus is strung out almost entire way down medulla, dorsal and near 4th ventricle?
Nerve fibers emerge from a sulcus lateral to each pyramid, between pyramid and olive