synapses Flashcards
chemical synapses occur between a neuron and what?
another neuron, muscle or gland cell
describe the events that take place in a chemical synapse
. action potential depolarises presynaptic ending
. influx of calcium ions into prseynaptic ending
. vescles migrate towards membrane, realsing transmitters into cleft
. transmitters bind to receptors on post-synaptic cell
. inactivation of transmitters
name the two waybs by which transmitters are inactivated
enzyme degradation, reuptake into presynaptic cell
what happens if the transmitter causes depolarisation?
increased activity
what happens if the transmitter causes hyperpolarisation?
inhibitory post-synaptic potential
what is summation in relation to polarisation at a synapse?
the addition of excitatory polarisations
what must occur for the post-synaptic cell to fire?
sufficient excitation drives membrane potential beyond the threshold
what is neural convergence?
One post synaptic cell receives inputs from various presynaptic cells
what is neural divergence?
each neuron synapses with many other cells
what is a neuromuscular juntion and what is the associated transmitter?
synapse between moter nerve and muscle fibre
in what ways may a drug affect a synapse?
may enhance or supress: . synthesis or storage of transmitter . release of transmitter . action of transmitter on receptor . second messenger system . inactivation of transmitter