Symbolic Experiential Flashcards
Primary Contributors
- Whitikar…
- Napier
- Keith
- Kempler (introduced gestalt therapy like unfinished business)
- Malone
- Roberto
Role of the Therapist in Symbollic-experiential therapy
- use of co-therapist (important for therapists and not for family…seen more separate from system)
- not the expert
- therapists should become more Like themselves/authenticity/genuineness
- spontaneous, humor, open to change in moment
- active not directive
- client takes responsibility for change
- MUTUAL GROWTH for client and thp through genuine dialogue 8. co therapist each brings a different element (ex. one is more confronting and the other more nurturing) 9. FOCUS ON STRUCTURE AND EMOTIONAL PROCESS 10. thp cares about parental hierarchy
Person added. - use of co-therapist (important for therapists and not for family…seen more separate from system)
- not the expert,
- therapists should become more Like themselves/authenticity/genuineness
- spontaneous, humor, open to change in moment
- active not directive
- client takes responsibility for change
- MUTUAL GROWTH for client and thp through genuine dialogue
- co therapist each brings a different element (ex. one is more confronting and the other more nurturing) 9. FOCUS ON STRUCTURE AND EMOTIONAL PROCESS 10. thp cares about parental hierarchy
battle for structure
thp will structure sessions, refuse to see clients separately
battle for initiative
responsiblity of the client, change determined by teh family
expanding distress
increase stress in the room to encourage emotional expression
activating constructive anxiety
This is a process of expanding the symptom to the system, that is, expanding the distress to include each member, shifting the nature of anxiety within the family and reducing blame and scapegoating.
redefining sxs
Therapist will reframe the symptoms to see it in a more positive light
fantasy Alternative
Discussing problematic or stressful situations in fantasy based, “what if” terms or deemphasizing stressful situations by suggesting absurd fantasy alternatives (e.g. maybe if you medicated your husband, he wouldn’t be so emotional).
affective confrontation
The therapist’s intentional confrontation with the family where he or she will directly and openly share his or her subjective emotional experience of working with the family
two therapists work together as a team, usually a male and female dyad each with different qualities (e.g. one nurturer, one directive)
degrees of craziness
thp needs to be mature enough to be immature and use creativity
teaming roles
Healthy members of a family may be intentionally paired into teaming roles by the therapist to encourage further healthy behavior by other family members.
theapeutic double bind
When asked about a possible diagnosis, Whitaker would initiate a therapeutic double bind—that is, a relational diagnosis that is unlikely to ever change.
bilateral pseudo Therapy
where family members try to be therapust towards one another, because family has failed at healing self the responsibility should be turned over to the 2 therapists
bilateral transference
the Thp adopts the language accent, rhythm or posture of the family
flight toward health
families stop showing up is assumed they made a recovery
Person of the Therapist
Symbolic-Experiential Therapy attributes the psychological health and authenticity of the therapist as a person being a primary factor in effective therapeutic outcomes. The therapist is encouraged to be authentic and real with his or her clients, relying on the spontaneity of their emotional responses as they remain present with the family.
Existential Encounter
a Symbolic-Experiential stance in which the Therapist is willing both to Receive the family members’ Reactions to him/her And to fully Disclose his/her Reactions to them
A primary goal in growth-oriented therapies, encouraging each individual family member in becoming more and more of who they are.
interactional insight
a Symbolic-Experiential attitude in which the Therapists Do Not Delude Themselves into believing that they are consistent with the families. They accept “this” and realize that it helps undermine the family’s attempt to maintain a rigid pattern of living
Goals for treatment in symbolic experiential therapy
- increase level of stress
2 develop shared anxiety in family - expand relationships with extended family , culture, and community
- develop family boundaries
- separate the generations
- family learns to play
- develop We/They
- family must believe in itself as a unit with strong sense of absurdity
- each member should be allowed to be him/herself, selfactualization
The condition of being Shut Off from one’s true Feelings. This happens to Dysfunctional family members and it makes family intimacy difficult to achieve.
As-If Stance
a Symbolic-Experiential stance where family members are encouraged to freely Experiment as if they were In the Role of the Other, so long as they understand that the role play is symbolic
Fixation of Triangles
a Symbolic-Experiential term used to describe a Clash of Family of Origin Cultures (i.e., a man from a family of social isolates marries into a family of social activists). The weakest family member is vulnerable to pathology arising out of family mythology.
a Symbolic-Experiential attitude in which the Therapists Do Not Delude Themselves into believing that they are consistent with the families. They accept “this” and realize that it helps undermine the family’s attempt to maintain a rigid pattern of living
an Experiential technique having a client System Represent aspects of the family systems and its relationships in physical Space in the session.
unfinished business (Kempler)
from Experiential therapy, originally a concept of Gestalt therapist, Fritz Perls, referring to Unresolved Feelings or disowned parts of the self.
How is dysfunction viewed
scapegoat provides anxiety relief for the family. Family cannot tolerate interpersonal natural stress. Role rigidity. Lack of tolerance for difference. Symptoms are non-verbal messages in reaction to the dysfunctional communication working in the system
Dysfunctional communicaiton/interactional styles, not dysfunctional person
Symbolic Experiential Theory of Change
Family “desperation” is a sign of readiness for change (Whitaker). Immediate shared experience produce new responses, which produce both individual and family growth. Increase the family’s creativity, spontaneity and ability to play.
Famiy Interaction
Healthy family interaction in Experiential Therapy is traditionally characterized through flexibility and openness to life experiences.
Therapy of the Absurd
Symbolic-Experiential Therapy may be referred to as absurd given its unrecognizable structure, spontaneous process, and therapist transparency.