Emotion Focused Therapy Flashcards
Primary Contributers
Johnson and Greenberg
Role of the Therapist in EFT
- nonpathologizing
- diagnostics are systemic and expanded to the couple system
- models healthy attachment
Length of Time
12-20 sessions
Unit of Treatment
both partners must be present, the thp will work with each person individually but it is important for the partner to observe the process.
Assumptions of EFT
- grounded in attachment theory
2. insecure attachment styles lead people to hide their primary emotions and express secondary emotions instead.
validate each client to create a strong alliance/therapeutic safety
focusing the session
engaging clients to remain attuned of new more responsive interactional patterns and expressing primary emotions
slowing down the processing
making sure clients cultivate a capacity to sit with their primary emotions and pain as well as their partners
creating coherence between partners by reflecting/summarizing the growth and change as it takes place throughout the discourse of treatment
goals of EFT
- goal is to reprocess emotional responses that organize attachment bxs
- de-escalate the problematic interactional cyccle that maintains attachment insecurity and relationship distress by creating a therapeutic alliance and assessing for primary emotions
- promote identification with disowned attachment needs and feers and promote acceptance of other partner’s experience, creating new responses and altering negative cycles
- create emotional engagement through expression of specific needs and wants of each partner
- facilitate the emergence of new solutions to old problematic relationship issues through the consolidation of new positive and cycles of attachment behavior
look within
explore how each partner constructs his or her emotional experience of relatiedness
Looking between
exploring how partners engage each other and identifying each individual’s role int he creation and maintenance of negative ineractional patterns
Phase I of EFT
- de-escalate and satablization.
- establish alliange and clarify core issue as attachment-based.
- identify negative interactional cycle that maintains attachment insecurity
- access underlying emotions driving the interactional positions
- reframe the problem as a cycle based on attachment needs/fears
Phase II of EFT
- restructuring Interactional Positions/Patterns
- promote identification w/ disowned attachment needs
- promote acceptance of and responsiveness to each partner’s new construction of wants
Phase III of EFT
- Facilitating emergence of new solutions to old problematic relationship issues
- consolidating new positions and cycles of attachemnt bxs.
Termination in EFT
Termination occures when Phase III tasks independently maintained by the couple
(new solutions and new attachment cycles emerge)
primary emotions
deeprooted emotions about how we feel, usually the feelings that make us feel vulnerable
secondary emotions
the feelings that we choose to express outwardly, more defensive in nature and deconstructive
the ability of a person to connect to a caregiver or another person securley
a process where the person speaking about difficult emotions reduces the intensity of the emotion by leaning into it, speaking from a place of care and concern
interactional styles
based on attachment, how couples interact with one another express emotions.
primary needs
the fundamental needs of a person in order to feel safe.
the capacity fora person to connect securely to another, also somethign the Thp does in the session in order to make the couple feel sefe in exploring their issues together