Swimming Flashcards
Name the qualitative analysis stages
Preparation, observation, evaluation, intervention
Swimming velocity
Product of stroke rate and stroke length
What is the problem with the swimming velocity definition
Only valid mid pool
Stroke rate (cycles/min)
Number of complete cycles of one arm in a minute
Stroke length (m/cycle)
Distance the swimmer moves forward during the stroke cycle
What do SR and SL depend on?
Swimming stroke
Race distance
Antropmetric characteristics
How do swimmers tend to increase their velocity?
Increase stoke rate, decrease stroke length
Acts along the direction of motion
Acts at right angles to the direction of motion (perpendicular to flow)
May be obtained by accelerating a mass of water opposite the swimming direction in accordance with Newton
Resistive forces
Motion of the body parts in the water which produce forces not in the desired direction
Total resistance
Sum of frictional ‘pressure’ and ‘wave’ contributions when swimming at a constant speed
time spent in turns
accounts for up to 1/3 of overall time
release velocity- why is the magnitude of force important?
newton’s 3rd law: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
The more force the swimmer exerts, the more force the blocks will apply back
release velocity- why is the duration of force application important?
newton’s 2nd law: forces cause acceleration
the mass is constant thus the final velocity of starts depends on both the magnitude and duration