Survey Research Flashcards
Close-ended questions
question types that ask respondents to choose from a distinct set of pre-defined responses, such as “yes/no” or among set multiple choice questions
Open-ended questions
ones that allow you to provide whatever amount of detail you want, rather than simply answering “yes” or “no”
Rating scales
a close-ended survey question that evaluates how the user responds to a question about a particular brand or product
Restricted question
A restricted inquiry is an inquiry that has a thin extension or is explicit in nature
Response bias
situations where people do not answer questions truthfully for some reason
Response rate
calculated by dividing the number of usable responses returned by the total number eligible in the sample chosen
Response set
the tendency for people to respond to questions in a way that paints a certain picture of themselves instead of providing honest answers
“Yea-saying” or “nay-saying” response set
A response set to agree or disagree with all the questions