Surgical Management of Lung Cancer Flashcards
What two factors are used in the assessment of whether surgery is an option for a patient?
The stage of the lung cancer and the fitness of the patient
What scan can be used to determine whether patients with lung cancer have metastasis?
PET Scan
What symptoms can be used to stage lung cancer?
Pain (esp. bony pain), headaches, neurological symptoms including personality change and haematuria
What signs can be used to stage lung cancer?
Laryngeal nerve/brachial plexus palsy, SVCO, supraclavicular LNs, soft tissue nodules, chest wall masses, pleural/pericardial effusion and hepatomegaly
What can be seen on a CX-Ray that could assist with staging the lung cancer?
Pleural effusion, chest wall invasion, phrenic nerve palsy and a collapsed lobe/lung
What abnormalities might a blood test show up in someone with lung cancer?
Anaemia, abnormal LFTs and an abnormal bone profile
What features of lung cancer might show up on a CT scan?
Size, mediastinal nodes, metastatic disease, proximity to mediastinal structures, pleural/pericardial effusion and diaphragmatic involvement
What other scans/tests (Besides CX-Ray, CT and blood tests) may be useful?
MRI, bone scan and ECHO
What surgical procedures may be useful in staging lung cancer?
Bronchoscopy and Mediastinoscopy
What cardiovascular factors need taken into account in the clinical assessment?
Heart problems, high blood pressure, angina, smoking etc.
What respiratory factors need taken into account in the clinical assessment?
COAD, smoking, recent URTI, oxygen etc.
What psychological factors need taken into account in the clinical assessment?
Past history of mental illness, severe anxiety, social background and chronic pain
What tests can be done to assess respiratory function?
Spirometry, diffusion studies, ABG and V/Q scan
What tests can be used to assess cardiac function?
ECG, ECHO, CT scan, ETT and a Coronary angiogram
What are the reasons for peri-operative death?
ARDS, bronchopneumonia, MI, PTE, pneumothorax and intrathoracic bleeding
What are the non-fatal complications of surgery for lung cancer?
Pain, empyema, BPF, infection, AF, MI, post-op respiratory insufficiency and gastroparesis/constipation
What are the commonest problems with staging lung cancer?
Collapse of lobe/lung makes tumour size difficult to assess, presence of a smaller pulmonary nodule, retrosternal thyroid and adrenal nodule