Surgery Flashcards
What is the rough weight formula of a child?
Wt (kg) = 2 x (Age +4)
What is the rough estimate formula for systolic BP for a child?
Systolic BP = 80 + (2 x Age)
What happens to RR of a child with age?
It decreases
What happens to HR of a child with age?
It decreases
What happens to BP of a child with age?
It increases
What are some barriers to pain relief in children?
- Belief of teachers/parents
- Belief of ‘masking the signs’ from clinicians
What is used in the pain management of children?
WHO Pain ladder
- Paracetamol
- Ibuprofen
- Weak opioids (but 1 in 5 cant metabolise codeine!)
- Strong opioid
What is used in the resuscitation fluid management of children?
20ml/kg bolus 0.9% NaCl
What fluids are used for maintenance management in children?
0.9% NaCl /5% Dextrose +/-0.15% KCl
What volume of maintenance fluid is given to a child?
4-2-1 rule
4ml/kg for 1st 10kg
2ml/kg for 2nd 10kg
1ml/kg for every kg thereafter
What are some sentinel signs (red flags!) in children?
Feed refusal Bile Vomits Colour (Grey) Tone (Floppy baby) Temperature (hypothermia)
What investigations may be used for
- Urine
- Electrolytes
- X-rays
List some features of non-specific abdominal pain
- Short duration
- Central
- Constant
- Not made worse by movement
- No GIT disturbance
- No temperature
- Site & severity of tenderness vary