Supply/Logistics Flashcards
Discuss the uses of the Government purchase card
supplies and services under $3,500.00
Table of Allowance
- Listing personnel, equipment, material and facilities allowances
- Sustains contingency operations
- For 90 days
- Fuel and food - 15 days
Defense Property Accountability System
- For major assets 5K and up
Operating Target
- last 12 months of expenditures determine next 12-month budget
What are 10 classes of Army Supplies?
- Subsistence
- Clothing
- Fuel
- Construction materials
- Ammo
- Personal demand items
- Launchers, vehicles
- Medical
- Repair parts
- Non-military humanitarian items
Defense Reutilization Marketing Office
- Turn in of excess property that doesn’t affect OPTAR
Material falls into 3 categories:
- Need inventory manager disposal
- Do not need inventory manager disposal
- Scrap and waste
DD Form 1348-6
Requisition for single NSN item
Request for contractual procurement
DD Form 1250
Purchase request form
- 1250-1 Milstrip
- 1250-2 Non NSN
DD Form 448 (MIPR)
Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request
SF 44
Cadillac form
-Can be used to purchase anything in emergency situation
DD Form 1155
For original purchase orders
SF 1449
Order for Commercial Items
DD Form 1149
Transfer of custody
SF 30
Modification of original purchase
DD 200
Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss
- Govt property loss form
Discuss Op Funds
Funding granted to each ship/activity (OPTARS) for day to day operations.
What things cannot be purchased with OPFUNDs?
- Repair parts
- Food
- Alcohol
- Hotel
Army Supply Support Activities
Supply Management Unit
- managing
- cataloging
- requirements determinations
- procurement
- distribution
- overhaul
- disposal of material
Explain steps for planning an “in theater” re-supply.
Local support activities meet in theater supply needs
Joint Acquisition Review Board
- Ensures command is making sound financial decisions
Army Property Book Procedures
Document guiding logistics operations
DODAC - Department of Defense Address Code
UIC- Unit Identification Code
What is SOFSA?
SOF Support Activity
- Joint contractor- inventory control
- Unique Identification (UID) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technologies
What is SSAVIE?
SOF Sustainment Asset Visibility and Info Exchange
- Computer-based program for
- SOCOM vehicles repair parts
- SPEAR gear
Discuss procedures for a Transportation Movement Requests
- Request (MILVANS, 463L) to support mission requirements
- Unit gets weight handling equipment
- Person signs for equipment by serial number
- Return equipment after mission/exercise
- Attach copy of assumption of command
Describe Palletization
- Withstand weather
- Movable with fork lift
- Cargo secured in both directions
- Squared off
- 40” max height/ 52” for amphib shipping
Describe Weighing and marking
- Weight above each axle (empty or loaded CB)
- Marine Corps Forces Tactical Marking
What are the four types of shoring?
- Parking
- Rolling
- Sleeper
- Approach
What is Parking shoring?
Protects surface when parked
What is Rolling shoring?
Protects parking ramps, cargo floor, or loading ramps on cargo airplanes
What is sleeper shoring?
Protects surface in transit under vehicle frame
What is approach shoring?
Decreases approach angle of aircraft ramps when loading aircraft
What is Joint Inspections?
Inspection conducted between deploying unit and airlift support
Discuss the C-5?
- Inter-theater (strategic)
- Cargo/Personnel
- Main-theater staging bases
Discuss the KC-10?
- Aerial re-fueling
- Cargo/Personnel
Discuss the C-17?
Globe Master III
- Cargo/Personnel
- Inter-theater (strategic)
- Main operating bases to forward bases
Discuss the C-130?
- Intra-theater (tactical)
- cargo/personnel
- main theater to front lines
Discuss the KC-135?
- Aerial re-fueling
- Inter-theater (strategic)
- cargo/personnel
- litter/ambulatory patients during MEDEVAC
Discuss the C-141?
- Inter-theater (strategic)
- Cargo/Troops
- U.S. to major airfields
- Aerial re-fueling
Explain the procedures to calculate the center of balance for Civil Engineer Support Equipment (CESE)
- axle weight
- center of balance
- gross weight
Discuss the information found on a Time-Phased Force Deployment Data (TPFDD)?
Joint Op Planning and Execution System database portion of operation plan
- Time-phased force data
- Non-unit related cargo and personnel data
- Movement data for operation
Discuss the Military Sealift Command mission?
- Sealift transportation services to U.S. Forces
- to deploy, employ, sustain, and re-deploy forces on a global basis
Discuss Op Funds.
Activity’s projected obligations and expenditures
- based on amount used in past 12 months
- operating schedule for next 12 months
Explain the uses of Government Commercial Purchase Card?
-Micro-purchase threshold $3,500 NSW/$5,000 Big Navy
Describe the shipper declaration of goods?
HAZMAT requires special attention due to risk associated with hazard items
Describe ISU?
Internal Aircraft/Helicopter Slingable Container Unit (ISU)
- ISU-60: 108” x 88” x 60”
- ISU-90: 108” x 88” x 90”
Describe ISO?
International Organization for Standardization Container.
- 20 foot (240” x 96” x 96”)
- 40 foot (480” x 96” x 96”)
Describe Triple container (TRICON)?
- Individual (77.5” x 96” x 96”)
- TRICON set of 3 (240” x 96” x 96”)
Describe Quadruple Contrainer (QUADCON)?
- Individual (58” x 82” x 96”)
- QUADCON (set of 4)(240” x 82”x 96”)
Describe PALCON?
- Individual (48” x 40” x 41”)
Describe Half-height container (HALFCON)?
- Individual (240” x 96” x 48”)
Describe Flat Rack Loaders?
- Individual (240” x 96” x 96”)
Describe Side-opening Container?
- Individual (240” x 96” x 96”)
Define Allowable Combat Load (ACL)?
Maximum payload that can be carried
Define CRE/CRT?
Contingency Response Element/Contingency Response Team
Define Marshalling?
Area provided by the installation CDR from which deploying unit departs
Define AACG?
Arrival Airfield Control Group
Define DACG?
Departure Airfield Control Group
Discuss route reconnaissance and selection as it relates to convoy planning.
- avoid predictability
- Map Recon first
- Physical Recon second
Discuss convoy troop leading procedures.
Step 1. Receive Mission Step 2. Issue WARNO Step 3. Make a tentative plan (METT-TC) Step 4. Start necessary movement Step 5. Reconnoiter Step 6. Complete plan Step 7. Issue complete order Step 8. Supervise
Discuss general planning considerations
Rehearse and conduct battle drills before going out
Discuss how the Operating Target (OPTAR)/budget impacts your Department?
- Fiscal Year
- Obligations can only incur during the first twelve months of the accounting cycle
- Expenditures can be made throughout accounting cycle
What is DD Form 1386-6?
- Single line item requisition
- 6 part form
What is NAVCOMPT 2276?
Request for Contractual Procurement
What is NAVSUP 1250-2?
Non-NSN Requisition Form
What is DD Form 448?
Military Interdepartmental Purchase Requests
What is DD Form 1155?
- Supplies and services
- Unpriced orders
What is SF 1449?
Order for commercial items
What is SF 30?
Modification of Contract
What is DD Form 200?
Financial Liability/ Investigation of Property Loss
Discuss DPAS?
- Defense Property Accountability System.
- Used to account for high pilferage items
Discuss Depot Level Repairable (DLR) Procedures?
Navy managed items that are accountable by special inventory procedures
What is Joint Facilities Utilization Board (JFUB)?
Evaluates requests for real estate, use of existing facilities, inter-service support, and construction.