CBRN Flashcards
SLIST Chemical Protective Ensemble
Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology
- 120 day service life out of the bag
- 45 day wear (Non-contaminated environment)
- 24 hour wear (contaminated environment)
- Nerve Agent Antidote Kit
- 2-Pam Chloride and Atropine
What are the mask two nomenclature?
- MCU-2/P
- M40A
What are the names of the 2 M40A canisters?
- FR-64
- C2A1
What are the different Types of Antipersonnel agents?
- Casualty Agents- meant to kill
- Incapacitating Agents- interfere with mental processes
- Harassing Agents- temporary disability
Biological Agents Types
Anthrax, Plague, Cholera, Smallpox, Ricin Toxin, Botulinum Toxin, Mycotoxin, Aflatoxin
Biological Agents Signs and Symptoms
- Dizziness, mental confusion or double vision
- Skin tingling, numbness or convulsions
- Formation of rashes or blisters
- Coughing, fever, aching, fatigue or difficulty swallowing
- Nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea
- Bleeding from body openings or in urine
What are the four types of nuclear explosions?
- High Altitude Burst
- Air Burst
- Surface Burst
- Underwater Burst
What are the four effects of a nuclear explosions?
- Blast
- Burns
- Nuclear Radiation
What are the four types of nuclear radiation?
- Alpha (cannot penetrate paper)
- Bravo (cannot penetrate uniform)
- Gamma
- Neutron
How many Mission Oriented Protected Posture levels are there?
5: Zero, 1, 2, 3, 4
Mask carried, gear within arm’s reach
Mask carried, don trousers and coat
Mask carried, don trousers, coat and boots
Don mask, trouser, coat, and boots
Don mask, trouser, coat, boots and gloves
What is an M8 Chemical Agent Detector Paper?
Detects Liquid Nerve or Blister Agent
V- Nerve (Dark Green)
G- Nerve (Yellow)
H- Blister (Red)
What is an M9 Chemical Agent Detector Tape?
- Detects Liquid nerve (G, V) or blister agent (H, V)
- Turns reddish
What is an M256A1 Chemical Agent Detector Kit?
Chemical agent detector kit Detects presence and type of agent 1. Mustard (H and HD) 2. Phosgene Oxime (CX) 3. Lewisite 4. Hydrogen cyanide (AC) 5. Cyanogen chloride (CK) 6. Nerve agents (V and G)
Define Chemical Warfare
Warfare to produce death, injury, temporary incapacitation, or irritating effects
Define Biological Warfare
Use of living organisms to cause disease or death.
Define Radiological effects
- Powerful explosions
- Heat
- Release of nuclear radiation
What are the routes that agents enter the body?
Through the skin
What is the NATO Biological Marker?
Upside down BLUE Triangle
RED lettering reads BIO
What is the NATO Radiological Marker?
Upside down WHITE Triangle
BLACK lettering reads ATOM
What is the NATO Chemical Minefield Marker?
Upside down RED Triangle
YELLOW lettering reads GAS MINES
What are the different Levels of Decontamination?
- Immediate
- Operational
- Thorough
- Clearance
What are the Steps of Detailed troop decon (DTD)?
- Individual Gear Decon
- Over-boots and Hood Decon
- Over-garment Removal
- Over-boots and Glove Removal
- Monitoring Station
- Mask Removal
- Mask Decon
- Reissue Point
What is a M291?
Personal SKIN decon kit.
Wallet-like pouch with 3 complete skin decontaminations
What is a M295?
Personal EQUIPMENT decon kit.
4 decon mitts that fit over the hand.
What is the M100?
CESE Decontamination System
What are the symptoms of a nerve agent?
- Sudden headache, nausea, vomiting
- Contraction of pupils, difficulty seeing
- Runny nose, drooling, coughing, wheezing
- Tightness in the chest
- Muscle twitching
What are the symptoms of blood agent?
Interferes with the body’s ability to carry oxygen to body tissues
Affects nasal passages, leads to convulsions, coma
What are the 3 types of chemical warfare agents?
- Sarin - Fruity, paint-like color
- Soman - Insect repellent feeling
- VX - Looks like motor oil
What is the CBR action for pre-attack?
Commander designates MOPP level
What are the CBR actions during attack?
- stop breathing and don mask
- sound the alarm
- continue the mission and wait for further orders
- when situation permits, help others
What are the CBR actions for post-attack?
- continue mission
2. when time and mission permit, administer CBR first aid to casualties in immediate vicinity and report casualties
What are the MOPP Levels AFLOAT?
- IPE (Individual Protective Equip) is available
- Activate installed detectors, Carry mask and post M8/M9 paper
- Don Protective Suit, and boots; activate intermitten countermeasure wash-down
- Don protective gloves and mask
What are the MOPP levels ASHORE?
- Carry mask and ensure IPE is available
- Don Over-garments
- Don Protective boots
- Don Protective Mask
- Don Protective Gloves
When was the first large scale use of chemical weapons?
1915, WWI Germans released CHLORINE GAS against Allied troops at Ypres, Belgium.
Over 5,000 casualties