C4I Flashcards
Discuss the proper use of Prowords
- Pronounceable words or phrases
- Assigned meaning to expedite message handling
on R/T circuits - Pro-words are not to be substituted for texts
What are the three methods of comms if oral communication is not reliable?
- Hand signals
- Whistle
- Rifle shots
Arm and Hand signals
- When voice communication is difficult/ impossible
- When silence must be maintained
Whistle signals
3 whistle signals are used to avoid confusion
What are the types of whistle comms and their meaning?
1 short - Come to attention
1 long - Cease fire
3 short - Tank, aircraft, ect. Inbound
Discuss the term nature and purpose IRW Command and Control
- Nature: exercise of authority by commander over forces to accomplish mission
- Purpose: Planning, directing, coordinating, and controlling forces and operations at high level.
- Translating ideas into actions
- OODA Loop: Observe, Orient, Decide, Act
Discuss the following terms as they relate to Naval Intelligence: Nature, purpose, support to Op Forces
- Nature: Strategic (military Planning), Operational (regional data), Tactical (enemy data)
- Purpose: Support commander, identify vulnerabilities and protect forces
- Support to Operating Forces: Provide tactical, operational, and strategic info
What are the fundamentals of Naval Intelligence?
- K: Know Enemy
- A: available
- A: accurate
- R: Relevant
- U: Usable
- T: Thorough
- T: Timely
What are the steps of Intelligence Cycle?
Planning and Direction Collection Processing Production Dissemination
Discuss Planning and Direction as part of intel cycle
Commander identifies and prioritizes
information requirements
Discuss Collection as part of intel cycle
- Tasking organic, attached, supporting resources
- Determine what intel to collect
Discuss Processing as part of intel cycle
Converting collected information into form suitable for producing usable intelligence
Discuss Production as part of intel cycle
Integration, analysis, evaluation, and interpretation of information from all available sources into tailored, usable intelligence
Discuss Dissemination as part of intel cycle
Getting product to user with appropriate classification
Discuss the following terms as they relate to Naval Intelligence: Support Expeditionary Forces
- identify military OPS in area
- exploit enemy weakness
- Identify threats
Discuss the communications plans
- Developed by comms officer
- Based on mission requirements
- Voice for command and commander
What are the 3 characteristics of a comms plan?
Uncomplicated, reliable, flexible
What is an OPLAN order?
Operational Plan
- outlines operation
- identifies forces and supplies required to execute mission
What is an OPORD?
Operational Order
- based on fact in 5 paragraphs
- Directive issued by commander to execute operation
What is a WARNO?
Warning Order
- Defines objectives, mission, tasks
- Advises patrol of friendly/enemy situation, mission of patrol, weapons, uniforms, equipment, COC, time, tasks, communications
What is a FRAGO?
Fragmentary Order
- Changes OPORD in effect
What is an EXORD?
Execute Order
- Initiate Military Operations
What is a DEPORD?
Deployment Order
- Allows deploying of Military forces with another force
What is a CONOPS?
Contingency Operation
- How forces will accomplish commander’s intent
What are the message precedences, indicator and speed of service?
- Routine (R) 6 hours
- Priority (P) 3 hours
- Immediate (O) 30 minutes
- Flash (Z) 10 minutes
- Flash Override (W) 3 minutes
When is two-person integrity (TPI) necessary?
When transferring crypto and top secret material
Describe the term ACCESS
Ability to access classified information
Describe the term CLASSIFICATION
Determination of a piece of information classification
Describe the term COMPROMISE
Confirmed exposure of classification
Describe the term NEED TO KNOW
Determination by authorized holder of classified information that a prospective recipient requires access to specific classified information
Describe the term CLEARANCE
- Formal determination that
- person meets personnel security standards
- thus eligible for access to classified information
- other than that protected in special access program
What are the types of clearance?
- Confidential
- Secret
- Top-secret
When would the term MINIMIZE be said over communications?
- Need whole line to reduce message traffic
- To reduce delay in transfer of vital information
Define EEFI
Essential Elements of Friendly Information
- when pieced together can be damaging
What are the EEFI codes?
P- Position:
- position, movement or intended movement
C- Capabilities:
- capabilities or limitations: force composition or identity
O- Operations:
- operations, intentions, progress or results
E- Electronic Warfare:
- EW/EMCON intentions, progress or results
P- Personnel:
- key personnel: movement or identity of friendly or enemy flag officers
- COMSEC breaches: linkage of codes or code words with plain language, compromise of changing frequencies
W- Wrong Circuit:
- Inappropriate transmission: information requested, transmitted or about to be transmitted
Alert of classified information breach
What is the only response the receiver gives when given BEADWINDOW?
Roger out
What is the range of HF frequencies?
- 3-30 MHz
- point-to-point, ship-to-shore, ground-to-air, fleet broadcast
What is the range for VHF frequencies?
- 30-300 MHz
- LOS, ideal for amphibious operations
What is the range for UHF frequencies?
- 300 MHz - 3 GHz
- LOS, tactical voice transmissions (comms with aircraft)
What is SATCOM?
Comms with worldwide coverage
Discuss the developed of an intelligence/tactical picture:
- Force protection, Intel Prep of Battlefield, Targeting, Intel Info Management
- IW, IPB, Targeting, Current Intel Information management, FP
Discuss the contents of CEOI:
Communications Electronic Operating Instructions:
- General communications instructions
- Call sign assignments
- Frequency assignments
- General cryptographic instructions
- Passwords/challenge
- General authentication instructions
- Effective cryptographic key lists and authentication tables
List and describe watch stations within the TOC
- S-1 : Administration and Personnel Officer
- S-2 : Intelligence Officer
- S-3 : Operations Officer
- TOC Watch Officer
- Journal Clerk
- Communications Chief
- Communicators
- Messengers/Security
- Plotters
- NBC/CBR Officer
- Unit Movement Control Center (UMCC) Officer
List and describe TOC equipment and resources:
Tables, desks, chairs, telephones, fax, weapons, intel, map boards, storage bins, status of combat info
Discuss the following types of circuits and nets:
- Tactical: Voice circuits used at sea
- Administrative: Harbor communication
- Directed: need permission from NECOS
- Free: no permission required
Discuss the following requirements for handling Content Management System (CMS):
- Responsibility of every user for security, control, destruction, accountability
- Training: PQS for CMS
- Storage: COMSEC stored separately from non COMSEC, segregated by classification
- Receipt: Supervised 24/7, signed by local watch station
- Inventory: every watch change, account for all material
- Destruction: TPI required, needs to be logged, routine and complete
What is a SF 153?
Tells how comms gear is received and destroyed
What is naval message and the purpose of the date time group?
- Formal message
- Acts as filing system
Date Time Group (DTG) 010943ZAPR16
- Day
- Time
- Time zone
- Month
- Year
What is purpose of UXO report?
Unexploded Ordnance Report
- Used when UXOs have been encountered
What are the contents of UXO 9 lines?
- Unit
- Contact Method
- Type
- NBC Contamination
- Resource Threaten
- Impact on Mission
- Protective Measures Taken
- Recommended Priority
What is an OPREP 3 Navy Blue?
Report to CNO
high navy interest
What is an OPREP 3 Unit SITREP?
Report to next higher commander that doesn’t fit navy blue
What is the use of email?
Informal message
What factors affect capabilities of radio communications?
- weather
- terrain
- power of antenna
- radio position
- interference
- line of sight
- human factor
What is a TOC?
Tactical Operations Center
What is a JOC?
Joint Operations Center
What are the responsibilities of the TOC/JOC?
- Plan
- Direct (to JTF component commanders)
- Monitor (status of forces to aid in allocation and movement)
- Assess (ensure objectives are met)
What are the key positions in the TOC/JOC?
- TOC/JOC chief
- intel
- ops yeoman
What is BFT?
Blue Force Tracker
- tracking coalition forces.
What is ISR?
What is UAS?
Unmanned Aircraft System
- Tactical UAS support at tactical levels
- Theater UAS support theater-wide requirements
Imagery Intel
- analysis of imagery
Signal Intel
- communications intel, however transmitted
Measurement and Signature Intel
- protection against espionage
Technical Intelligence
- derived from data and information from foreign equipment and material
What is METOC?
Meteorological and Oceanographic Center
Deliberate Planning
Calculation of force ratios
Time Sensitive Planning
Promotes logical and rapid flow of information and timely preparation of courses of action
Mission Analysis
- Determining and refining facts
2. examining factors that affect mission
What is SMEAC?
Situation- enemy forces, friendly forces
Mission - clear statement of mission 5W
Execution - commanders intent, concept of ops, task, reserve units, coordinating instructions
Admin and logistics - Beans, Bullets and Band-Aids plus EPW handling and Evac
Command and signal - location of unit commander/leader and the next higher unit commander/leader
Command Control Communications Computers Intelligence
Operational Control
- at or below COCOM
Tactical Control
- Command authority over
Administrative Control
- Administration and Support.
Coordinating Authority
- Coordinate functions/activities between services