Expeditionary Tactics Flashcards
Discuss Survivability Operations
Capability of military forces to avoid or withstand hostile actions or environmental conditions
Discuss individual fighting positions
- Hole in the ground
- shoulder deep of tallest person
- 4ft wide
- Supplemented with frontal, overhead, and flank cover as time and situation permit
What are the dimensions of a 1 man dug in fighting position?
- 1 M4 × 1 M4
- armpits deep
- 1 firing step
- grenade sump 30°
- water sump 10°
What are the dimensions of a 2 man dug in fighting position?
- 2 M4 × 2 M4
- smallest guys armpits deep
- 2 firing steps
- 1 sleeping position
- grenade sump 30°
- water sump 10°
Explain the general rules of camouflage and how they apply:
- Remain undetected
- Identify threat
- Avoid detection
- Take countermeasures
- Use realistic camouflage
- Minimize movement
- Use decoys
What is BAMCIS?
Planning process for issuing 5-paragraph order (SMEAC)
- Begin planning
- Arrange recon
- Make recon
- Complete plan
- Issue order
- Supervise
Land navigation requires what three things?
Map, Compass, Pace count
What are the two types of compasses issued?
- Lensatic
- M2
How must a lensatic compass be held when sighting on an objective or reading an azimuth?
Firm and level
What is a fast/accurate way to orient the map?
- Lay the map on the ground
- Lay the compass over compass rose on map
- Turn the map until both compass and map point north
How can a map be oriented if no compass rose appears on the map?
Use north/south grid lines
How is a military map read?
Right and up
Describe the grid system utilized on all military maps:
MGRS: point reference system, grid square 10km, numerical location, 0,2,4,6,8,10
Location of users’ unknown position using two or three known positions and shooting back azimuth
Location of unknown position using two or more known positions
What does the SALUTE report stand for?
Size Activity Location Unit Time Equipment
What does the SPOT report stand for?
- Detect infiltration by the enemy
- Destroy infiltrators
- Protect against ambush
Gathers information of enemy location, characteristics, and terrain
- Study the mission
- Plan use of time
- Study terrain and situation
- Organize the patrol
- Select men, weapons, and equipment
- Issue the warning order
- Coordinate
- Make recon
- Complete detailed plans
- Issue patrol order
- Supervise, inspect rehearse and re-inspect
- Execute the mission
Discuss the organization of a patrol for movement
- Patrol task organization establishes elements and teams needed
- Patrol leader determines formation
- Patrol formations move through terrain providing concealment and cover
Why is combat hand and arm signals important in the field?
- There isn’t always radio comms
- Concealment is of utmost importance
Describe COLUMN team formation
- Permits rapid, controlled movement
- Favors fire and maneuver to flanks
- Vulnerable to fire from front and provides least amount of fire to front
Describe WEDGE team formation
- Permits good control
- Provides all-round security
- Formation is flexible
Describe SKIRMISHES team formation
- Maximum firepower to front
- Used when location and strength of enemy are known, during assault, mopping up, and crossing short open areas
Describe ECHELON team formation
- Provides heavy firepower to front and echeloned flank
- Used to protect open or exposed flank
Purpose of Challenge/Password
- To identify friend or foe
- Challenge and password are in sentence form
- Spoken as soft as possible to prevent compromise
What are the actions taken during IMMEDIATE HALT?
When patrol detects enemy but is not itself detected, signal freeze.
What are the actions taken during AIR OBSERVATION/ATTACK?
Freeze, shout “aircraft.”
What are the actions taken during HASTY AMBUSH?
- Move quickly to left or right
- Take best available concealment or cover
- Return fire
What are the actions taken during NEAR AMBUSH?
- Assault without order
- Continue assault to break contact
What are the actions taken during FAR AMBUSH?
- Return fire
- Best available position
- Continue suppressive fire
How do you cross over a wall?
Quickly roll over wall, keep low silhouette
How do you observe around corners?
Short stocking, popping the corner
How do you move past a window?
Stay below window level
How do you move past a doorway?
Stay below window level
How do you move parallel to buildings?
- smoke
- cover fire
- cover/concealment
- hug side of building
Who do you cross open areas?
- run shortest distance between buildings
- visual recon
- cover/concealment
How do you employ assault element?
- move across open area in groups of two
- maintain integrity
- clear/cover
How do you move inside buildings?
- avoid silhouette in doors and windows
- hug the wall
Discuss clearing a room, door closed or open, from stacked position
- shooter 2 right behind shooter 1 before entering
- 1st man button hook clear one side
- 2d man clear other side
Discuss clearing a room, door closed, split positions
- shooter 1 and 2 are on opposite sides
2. go to wall nearest to them
Discuss covering team members used to support clearing of a room
stay out of each others field of fire
Discuss clearing an L-shaped hallway
cutting the pie
Discuss clearing a T-shaped hallway
cutting the pie.
Discuss clearing a stairwell.
clear from below before moving up
What are 8 the priorities of establishing a defense?
- Protection
- dispersion
- concealment
- covered routes
- fire hazards
- fields of fire
- time observation
What are 3 types of wire entanglements?
- Tactical
- Protective
- Supplementary
What are the two purposes of tactical wire entanglements?
- Break up enemy formations
- Hold enemy in area covered by most intense fire
Where should tactical wire entanglements be placed?
parallel to and along friendly side of final protective line
What is the purpose of protective wire entanglements?
prevent surprise assaults from points close to defense area
Where should protective wire entanglements be placed?
- close enough to defenses for day and night observation
- far enough to prevent grenade attack
What are the two purposes of supplementary wire entanglements?
- conceal exact line of tactical wire
- break up line of tactical wire
Where should supplementary wire be placed?
- directly in front of forward edge of battle area (FEBA)
- rear of FEBA
What is the purpose of triple-standard concertina fence?
durable obstacle wire
What is the purpose of double-apron fence?
easy setup obstacle wire
What is the purpose of low wire entanglement?
prevent crawl infiltration
What is the purpose of tangle foot?
prevent lane cutting or tunneling
How wide a daylight LZ should be?
approximately 100 meters larger than aircraft
How wide a night LZ should be?
approximately 150 meters larger than aircraft
Discuss an individual’s responsibilities under the code of conduct:
- Escape whenever possible
- Follow the chain of command of other POWs
- Leave no man behind in captivity
- Accept no favors from the enemy
- Don’t say anything other than name, rank, service number, DOB
What is the first code of conduct?
I am an American, prepared to die to defend the American way of life
What is the second code of conduct?
I will never surrender under my own free will, if I have the means to resist
What is the third code of conduct?
If captured, I will resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and help others escape. I will not take parole or special favor from the enemy
What is the fourth code of conduct?
I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. I will not give info or take part in actions that will cause them harm. If I am senior I will take command, if I am not, I will obey orders
What is the fifth code of conduct?
If asked, I may give my name, rank, ssn, and DOB. I will evade answering questions, to the best of my ability and make no statement harmful or disloyal to my country
What is the sixth code of conduct?
I will never forget that I am an American, and am responsible for my actions and dedicated to the principles that make my country free
Describe the procedures for handling detainees/ enemy prisoners of war:
5 S’s and a T
- search
- secure
- silence
- segregate
- safeguard
- tag
Describe Pieing
Aim in front and move at an angle.
Describe Aim quick fire
Focus on target, rifle up, quick “pair of two” center mass
Describe Pointed quick fire
Look at object simultaneously bringing up your gun, aligns naturally
Describe Instinctive shooting
Engage using the tip of the front sight, speed, engage
Describe trajectory
Path of projectile through air
Describe burst of fire
Number of rounds in each burst 6 to 20
Describe cone of fire
Different trajectories as a result of ammo, condition, tripod, vibration, recoil
Describe beaten zone
Ground upon which cone of fire falls
Describe dead space
Area from muzzle, including beaten zone, where standing man WILL be hit
What are the methods of determining range?
- Naked eye method
- assisted method
- map method
- target reference points
- range cards
- laser range cards
Discuss point targets
fixed fire
Discuss wide targets
traverse fire
Discuss deep targets
using 2 guns: one within proximity and one at far end
Discuss oblique targets
combined traversing and searching fire
Discuss area targets
squad of guns or by section
Discuss moving targets
use 50 or mk 19 with leads
Discuss the procedures for preparing a range card:
- For planning and controlling fire
- For rapid detecting and engaging targets
- Orienting replacement
How do you use tactical lighting?
use non firing hand
What are the elements of a fire plan sketch?
- sectors or zones of fire
- individual fighting positions
- rifleman positions
- terrain features
- fire-team leader
What are the three components of fire discipline?
- fire sectors
- lateral limits
- forward limits
What is fire discipline?
Strict fire control under orders
Mission analysis
first step of mission planning, review and analysis
Course of Action (COA) development
mission statement
Course of Action (COA) war game
instructions on information pertaining to enemy
(COA) comparison and development
- Assess friendly COA
- Choose one that best accomplishes mission
Order Development
principle means for guidance
What is SMEAC?
Mission (statement of objective)
Execution (5-paragraph detailed op information) Administration and logistics (food, ammo, first aid)
Command and logistics (comms/signal instruction)
What is METT-TC?
Mission Enemy Terrain and weather Troops Time Civillian Consideration
What is KOCOAW?
Key terrain Observation field of fire Cover and concealment Obstacles Avenues of approach Weather/astrological data
What is SAFE?
Attack order general instruction: Security Automatic weapons Field of fire Entrench
What is DRAW D?
5-paragraph order for company-level ops
- Defend
- Reinforce
- Attack
- Withdraw
- Delay
Discuss the acronym METOC and how it applies to mission planning.
- Meteorological and oceanographic center
- Timely, accurate, relevant, and consistent weather support