Supplemental Protein Sources Flashcards
Protein is critical to the diet especially in who?
young, rapid-growing animals and high performance dairy cows.
Do feeds provide a sufficient amount of protein?
No. It is necessary to use protein supplements.
What CP content should protein supplements have?
20% CP
Why do soybeans have to be heat treated before feeding?
because they contain trypsin inhibitors, hemagglutinins, urease, and saponins.
What is the most important protein supplement?
Soybean meal.
What is a concern with cottonseed meal? Who is it safe to feed to?
gossypol toxicity. it is toxic to the heart, lungs, and repro organs. It is safer in ruminants than in monogastrics.
Should you feed sunflower to monogastrics?
No. They have a high fibre content.
What are some concerns with linseed?
poor AA content, so not for poultry, and may contain cyanogenic glycoside (toxic H cyanide).
Who can you feed linseed to?
Why must you used selected cultivars when feeding canola?
because it can contain toxic goitrogenic compounds.
What is corn gluten meal a result of?
wet milling of corn for starch and syrup.
Why are animal by-products as protein supplements a health hazard?
mad cow.
What is used to boost protein levels in ruminant rations that is a non-protein nitrogen source?
Feed grade urea
Salt is an especially important mineral supplement in what animals?
lactating animals.
What are calcium and phosphorous needed for?
skeletal growth, lactation, or egg production.
What are feed additives?
feed ingredients of non-nutritive value that stimulate growth, or other types of performance, or improve the efficiency of feed utilization or may be beneficial to the health of the animals.
Can you use nitrofurans in food animals?
No. It is illegal.
What are some types of feed additives?
antibiotics, arsenicals, coccidiostats, enzymes, pigmenters, or nitrofurans.