Superpower rivalry and conflict with the USSR Flashcards
When did Stalin die ?
5th March 1953
How did Stalin die
suffered a stroke that killed him
For some time after Stalin’s death, what was the style of leadership of the USSR ?
Collective leadership
Which 3 people emerged as the leading figures under the collective style of leadership over the USSR for some time after Stalin’s death ?
1) Nikita Khrushchev
2) Beria
3) Malenkov
What kind of reforms did Khrushchev, Beria and Malenkov introduce under their collective leadership of the USSR after the death of Stalin on the 5th March 1953 ?
There were immediate reforms to the Soviet system with an easing of taxation on peasants and the encouragement of housebuilding
Which war did the death of Stalin help to end ?
The death of Stalin contributed to the end of the Korean war.
When did Nikita Khrushchev become leader of the USSR ?
When did Khrushchev deliver a secret speech as leader of the USSR denouncing Stalin ?
Feb 1956
What was desalinisation ?
This was when the Soviet Union leader, Khrushchev denounced Stalin in Feb 1956.
What was the ‘Space race’ ?
a competition between the Soviet Union and the USA to dominate space due to technology becoming more advanced.
There was talk by the USA about whether the moon or space would ‘go ___’ during the space race between the USSR.
What did the USSR do on October 4th 1957 ?
the USSR put the first manmade object in to space.
What was the first manmade object that the USSR put into pace on October 4th 1957 called and what was it ?
A satellite called Sputnik
How long did Sputnik orbit the earth for/ until ?
until 5th Jan 1958
What was Eisenhower’s/ America’s response towards the USSR launching the first manmade object into space ‘Sputnik’.
Eisenhower had been aware of the object, however had not expected the Soviets to beat the US to space and it was a blow to US confidence.
When did the USSR launch a second man-made craft into space following ‘Sputnik’ on October 4th 1957 ?
3rd November 1958
What was the second man-made object that the USSR launched into space on the 3rd November 1958 following Sputnik on October 4th 1957 called ?
‘Sputnik 2’
What was special about Sputnik 2 ?
This is because it contained a dog called Laika
When did the US attempt to fight back in the Space race following USSR’s launch of Sputnik on October 4th 1957 ?
6th Dec 1957
What happened to the USA’s attempt to fight back in the Space race on 6th Dec 1957 following USSR’s launch of Sputnik on October 4th 1957 ?
ended in an explosion when their own satellite blew up on live television just 4ft off the ground.
What was the USA’s attempt to fight back in the Space race on 6th Dec 1957 by launching their own satellite called (following USSR’s launch of Sputnik on October 4th 1957) due to its disastrous nature ?
‘flopnik’, ‘Dudnik’ and ‘Kaputnik’
Following the use of Atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the USSR and USA were locked in a race to build the most __________ weapons.
What was the aim of both the USSR and the USA for the nuclear weapons that they were producing following the use of atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki ?
aimed for them to have better accuracy and to be more devastating.
What type of bomb was developed after the atomic bomb ?
the hydrogen bomb
What was the destructive power of the hydrogen bomb that had been developed after the atomic bomb ?
The hydrogen bomb had the destructive power 7 times that of the 1945 Atomic bomb.
What was the US doing by 1955 in terms of its nuclear bombs ?
it was keeping 1/3 of its nuclear bombs ready to fly at 15 mins notice.
In 1957, How many nuclear weapons had the US stockpiled and compare this to the USSR.
By 1957, the US had stockpiled 5543 nuclear weapons compared to the USSR’s 650.
What were ICBMs ?
There was a development of intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) by the US
What was the ‘New Look’ ?
This was a cost effective response to communist aggression by trying to make sure the budget was not too stretched while also trying to build up the US’s nuclear arsenal.
Why would ICBMs (Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles) cause concern ?
As they could fly thousands of miles before hitting a target
What was America’s New Look policy also known as ?
‘more bang for the buck’
Who persuaded Eisenhower to build up the US’s nuclear arsenal as part of the New Look policy ?
John Foster Dulles
Who set up the CIA and when ?
Truman - as part of the national security act 1947
What was the CIA’s remit ?
It could gather intelligence about foreign governments, corporations and individuals.
After analysing evidence from intelligence surrounding foreign governments, corporations and individuals, where would the CIA feed this analysis to ?
policy makers in government
Give 2 examples of time when the CIA fulfilled their role of gathering intelligence surrounding foreign governments, corporations and individuals.
1) 1948 - given authority to carry out covert operations
2) 1950s - involved in Cuba, Hungary, Guatemala, Iran and North Vietnam.
When did Eisenhower announce his policy, the Eisenhower Doctrine ?
5th Jan 1957
What did the Eisenhower say ?
that a Middle Eastern country could request American economic assistance or aid from US military forces if it was being threatened by armed aggression.
How did most Arabs view the Eisenhower doctrine ?
As a clear attempt to gain power and promote the West in the Middle East
What is meant by “Peaceful Coexistence” ?
Nikita Khrushchev’s claim for his intentions for ruling the USSR in 1955.