Superficial Face And Muslces Of Facial Expression Flashcards
Which nerve does the motor innervation of the face come?
Motor innervation comes from cranial nerve 7 the facial nerve
Cutaneous/sensory innervation from the face comes from the three branches of the trigeminal nerve, where do the 3 branches of this nerve exit the skull to go onto supply the face?
CNV1 - exits via the supra-orbital fissure to go onto supply skin over the forehead, upper eyelid and root of the nose
CNV2 - exits via the foramen rotundum to go onto supply are over the temporal region, the lower eyelid, upper lip and part of the cheek
CNV3 - exits via the foramen ovale and goes onto supply much of the temporal region, remainder of the cheek and lower lip and chin
The posterior part of the scalp cutenous supply comes from cervical nerves 2 and 3, what are these nerves and what other areas do they supply?
They supply the scalp, the skin over the angle of the mandible is supplied by the cervical plexus of 2 and 3 with the greater auricular nerve.
C2 and 3 also supply the parotid gland and inferior aspect of the external ear
How does CN7 enter and exit the skull
It enters the skull via the internal aucoustic meatus and exits via the stylomastiod foramen
CN7 has many branches, which are they and when do they branch off
When CN7 exits via the stylomastiod foramen, it gives off two branches the posterior auricular and the diagastric.
The main nerve then enters the parotid gland where the 5 terminal branches arise from a plexus within the gland
- terminal
- buccal
- marginal mandibular
- cervical
Which pharyngeal branch does CN7 derivative from
The posterior auricular branch of her facial nerve isn’t one of the main branches of CN7, what does it supply
Goes onto supply the Occipital belly of occipitofrontalis and auricular muscles
The cervical branch of the facial nerve goes onto supply the platysma - where does it pass before this happpens
This happens the facial nerve exits the cranium via the internal aucostic meatus and exits the skull via the stylomastiod foramen
The occipitofrontlalis muscle has both a frontal and occipital belly, what is the function of each and what do they work together to do?
Frontal belly protracts scalp and the occipital belly retracts the scalp, when they work together they elevate the eyebrows and produce transverse wrinkles across the forehead
- producing a look os surprise
How is the occipitofrontlalis innverated?
The frontal belly via the temporal branch of the facial nerve and the occipital belly via the posterior auricular branch of the facial nerve
The obicularis oculi muscle contains two parts - the palpebral and orbital parts. What is their innveration and function?
Palpebral - involuntary closing of the eyelid, gently, blink reflex
Orbital - voluntary movement of the eyelid - tightly
Innveration is the temporal and zygomatic branches of CN7
Which type of muscle is the obicularis Orishas
It is a sphincter muscle which encircles the mouth
How does the obicularis muscle work with the buccinator
The obicularis oris muscle fibres mingle with the buccinator and the two muscles work together to compress the cheeks and the lips against the teeth and gums and work alongside the tongue to keep food on the occlusal surfaces of the teeth
If the obicularis oris is somewhat compromised what can happen to the teeth?
Usually the obicularis oris provides a gentle resistance which prevents the teeth from tilting outwards and developing to be crooked and protrusive
Which muscle is used in whistling, kissing and and blowing
Obicularis oris
What separates the buccinator from the superior pharyngeal constrictor posteriorly
Pterygomandibular raphe