Anterior Traingle Flashcards
What are the borders of the anterior triangle of the neck
Superiorly - inferior border of the mandible
Postioerly - anterior border of SCM
Anteriorly - midline of neck
What are the 4 subdivisions of the anterior triangle
Submental, Submandibular, carotid and muscular
What does the submandibular division of the anterior neck consist of
Submandibular gland, lymph nodes, parts of hypoglossal nerve, mylohyoid nerve and parts of facial artery and vein
What does the submental region of the anterior triangle contain
Submental lymph nodes and some small veins
What does the carotid part of the anterior triangle contain
Thyroid gland, larynx, pharnyx ; carotid sheath ( and its components), branches of the cervical plexuses, super root of asna cervical is and parts of CN11 and 12
What does the muscular region of the anterior triangle contain
Sternohyoid and sternothryoid muscles and thyroid and para thyroid glands
Name the 4 suprahyoid muscles
( connect to skull or mandible and hyoid )
Mylohyoid, Diagastric( anterior and posterior ) , stylohyoid and geniohyoid.
Name the 4 infrahyoid muscles
( connect to inferior structure and the hyoid bone - with one exempt)
Sternothyroid, omohyoid, sternohyoid and thryohyoid
What is the function of the suprahyoid muscles
They function to elevate the hyoid during swallowing and the larynx for tone production.
They constitute substance of the floor of mouth
Mylohyoid muscle origin
Originates at the mylohyoid line on the mandible
Where does the mylohyoid muscle insert
Into the body of the hyoid and the fibres of the opposite mylohyoid
Action of mylohyoid
Elevates the hyoid and the floor of the mouth and reinforces the floor of the oral cavity
Where are the origins of the anterior and posterior diagastric belly
Anterior - diagastric fossa on medial surface of the mandible
Posterior -mastoid notch on medial side of mastoid process
Where is the insertion of both the diagastric muscles
The intermediate tendon at the hyoid
What other function does the anterior belly have that the other suprahyoid muscles do not
Anterior belly functions to open the mouth by lowering the mandible
What is the innervation of the mylohyoid muscle
The nerve to mylohyoid which is a branch of IAN which is a branch of CNV3
Diagastric Muscles innervation
Anterior belly =nerve to mylohyoid
Posterior belly = diagastric branch of CN7
Origin, insertion, Action and innervation of stylohyoid
Originates at styloid process
Inserts - body of hyoid.
Action - pulls hyoid upwards
Innervation - CN7
Origin, insertion, action, innervation Geniohyoid
Origin - from mandible
Inserts - body of hyoid
Action - fixed mandible= elevates and pulls hyoid forward
- fixed hyoid =. Pulls mandible downwards and inwards
Innervation = via anterior ramus of C1 which travels with Hypoglossal Nerve
Origin, insertion and action of sternohyoid muscle
Origin - posterior surface of the sternoclavivular joint and manubrium
Inserts - into body of hyoid
Action- depresses hyoid after elevation during swallowing
What is the group function of the infra-hyoid muscles
They function as a group to depress the hyoid and larynx during swallowing and speech
Discuss the two planes of the infrahyoid muscles
Superficial = sternohyoid and omohyoid
Deep = thyrohyoid and sternothyroid
What are the two bellies of omohyoid connected by
The superior and inferior bellies of the omohyoid are connected by an intermediate tendon
Origins, instertion and action of omohyoid muscle
Origins; Superior belly -immediate tendon
inferior belly -superior border of the scapula
Inserts ; Superior belly - Hyoid bone
Inferior belly - intermidaite tendon in posterior triangle
Action - depresses and fixes the hyoid
How is the omohyoid anchored to its immediate tendon at the Clavicle
By a facial sling
Thyrohyoid orgin insertion and action
Origin- oblique line on thyroid cartilage
Inserts - greater horn and adjacent Body of hyoid
Action - depresses hyoid ; can raise larynx when hyoid is fixed
Sternothyroid origin, action and insertion
Origin - at posterior surface of manubrium
Inserts - into oblique line on thyroid cartilage
Action - draws Larnyx downward
What is the innvervation of sternohyoid, omohyoid and sternothyroid
Anterior rami of C1-C3 ( through the ansa cerviaclis )
Thryrohyoid innervation
Anterior rami of C1 but the fibres run with CN12
The two lateral lobes of the thyroid gland extend from?
Thyroid cartilage to 5th tracheal ring
What is the level of the isthmus
Level of 3rd tracheal ring
The pyramidal lobe is on the thyroid gland is present in 80% of people - what is this the remenants of ?
Thyroglossal duct
What is the arterial supply of the thyroid gland
Superior thyroid artery ( 1st branch of external carotid)
Inferior thyroid artery ( branch of thyrocervical trunk from subclavian )
Discuss venous drainage of the thyroid gland
Drained through the thyroid Venous plexus ;
Superior thyroid and middle thyroid vein into the internal jugular vein
The inferior thyroid vein into the brachiocephalic
In 10% of people there is an additional artery which supplies the thyroid , apart from the superior and inferior thyroid arteries, what is this
The thyroid IMA artery
Unpaired artery which usually arises from brachiocephalic trunk but can come from elsewhere
Why must the thyroid IMA artery be considered clinically
In midline neck procedures like an insertion of a surgical airway ( tracheostomy) as it is a potential bleeding risk