Sunny Ones Flashcards
Leucanthemum x superbum Family?
Shasta daisy Latin name?
Leucanthemum x superbum
Joe Pye Weed Latin name?
Eutrochium spp
Scabiosacolumbaria family
Scabiosa Latin name?
Scabiosa columbaria
Salviasylvertris family name
Woodland sage Latin name
Salvia sylvertris
Salvia/Woodland Sage bonus name
Balkan Clary
Perovskia atriplicfolia family name
Trollius spp. Family name
What makes Echinaceae purpurea sensory garden plant?
Velcro leaves - touch
Which ASTERACEAE are winter interests if there flowers are left standing?
Echinacea, Ligularia, Joe Pye Weed
Which FULL Sun ASTERACEAE can used butterfly gardens and cannot tolerate wet soils
Eutrochium spp. Joy Pye Weed
Which ASTERACEAE has less of a basal cluster and cauline leaves
Joe Pye Weed
What white flowering ASTERACEAE blooms from early to midsummer and is an excellent crossover plant
Shasta Daisy
Which ASTERACEAE is poisonous but maybe medicinal?
Eutrochium spp. Joe Pye Weed
Which family is very similar to ASTERACEAE
Scabiosa columbaria has basal leaves like poppies but cauline leaves that are
Fern like
Scabiosa columbaria, Pincushion flower blooms from early summer till frost making it a?
Crossover plant
Scabiosa can be used in what landscape setting?
Rock garden