Mechanism of Action
Inhibits folic acid synthesis
Indications (what the drug is approved to treat)
Broad spectrum anti-bacterial activity
RI, UTI, GI, and skin infections
Contraindications (reasons NOT to use this drug)
Known drug allergy to sulfonamides
Pregnant women and infants <2 months
Adverse Effects (undesired harmful effect caused by the drug)
Allergic reactions
Delayed cutaneous reactions
GI, liver, kidney, and hematological complications
Interactions (reactions that occur when two or more drugs, foods, or supplements are taken together)
the hyperglycemic effects of sulfonylureas
the toxic effects of phenytoin
anticoagulant effects of warfarin
Nursing Considerations/Patient Teaching
Give with a full glass of water
Take oral doses with food
Encourage patients to report worsening