Subjuntivo Flashcards
Until (that)
Hasta que
subjunctive for future events yet to happen only
past/pres events use indicative
Before (that)
Antes de que
On condition that
A condición de que
In order that
So that it works
So that you know
Para que
A fin de que
Para que funcione
Para que sepas
To wish, want that
I want you to know
I want him/her/it/you to return
Querer que
Quiero que sepas
Quiero que vuelva
To need that
It is necessary that
It is necessary that James reads this book
Necesitar que
Es necesario que
Jaime lea este libro
Hope - 2 To hope, expect that I hope (that), hopefully (that) We hope, expect that you (tú) cook well Hopefully, I hop[e that you cook well
Esperar que/Ojalá (que)
Esperamos que cocines bien
Ojalá (que) cocines bien
To be happy that
It makes me happy that you smile
Alegrarse de que
Me alegro de que sonrías
To recommend that
My doctor recommends that I drink more water
Recomendar que
Mi doctor recomienda que bebas más agua
To doubt that
I doubt he has my phone number
Cf I’m sure he has my phone number
Dudar que
Dudo que él tenga mi número de teléfono
Cf Estoy seguro que tiene mi número de teléfono
Once (that)
Una vez que
Provided that, so long as
So long as there is a bit of quiet in the house
Con tal (de) que Con tal de que haya un poco de tranquilidad en la casa
As long as
Siempre que
If, in case (that)
En caso de que
Even if
Cf alternative meaning as although
I will come even though my car isn’t working
I will come even if my car isn’t working
Vendré aunque mi coche no funciona
Vendré aunque mi coche no funcione
1st is definite and known - car isn’t working
2nd is speculative and not known
No matter how much (2)
Por más que
Por mucho que
As long as
Mientras que
To not think (believe)
I don’t think you are going to like this song
Cf I think that you are going to like his song
I don’t think you’re right
Cf I think you’re right
No creer No creo que te vaya a gustar esta canción Cf Creo que vas a gustar a esta canción No creo que tengas razón Cf Creo que tienes razón
To not think (not believe)
No pensar
To not seem/appear that
It doesn’t seem/appear that the situation is going to improve
Cf It seems/appears that the situation is going to improve
It doesn’t seem/appear that it’s going to snow
Cf It seems/appears that it’s going to snow
No parecer que No parece que vaya a mejorar la situación Cf Parece que la situación va a mejorar No parece que vaya a nevar Cf Parece que va a nevar
To not suppose
You don’t suppose he wants to dance, do you?
No suponer
No supones que quiera bailar, o sí?
To not be sure
I’m not sure that my mother is coming
No estar seguro AA
No estoy seguro/a que mi madre venga
To not understand that
I don’t understand that sharks are dangerous
No comprender que
No comprendo que los tiburones sean peligrosos
To deny that
Negar que
To have the suspicion that
They have the suspicion that their son is lying
Tener la sospecha de que
Tienen la sospecha de que su hijo mienta
To not be able to believe
and other verbs that take subjunctive in affirmative
You won’t be able to believe that I do all of my chores myself
No poder creer que
No puedes creer que yo mismo/a haga todas mis tareas
To not be convinced that
No estar convencido AA de que
To be grateful that
I am grateful that he arrives home
Agradecer que
Agradezco que él llegue a la casa
To insist that
Mum insists that her sons (children) eat dinner together
Insistir que
Mamá insiste que sus hijos cenen juntos
To not have (that)
No tener que
To look for (that)
The teacher is looking for the students to learn
Buscar … que
La profesora busca que los estudiantes aprendan
To order that
Mandar que
To request, ask that
Pedir que
To wish, desire that
I wish to go out with a man who buys me flowers
Desear que
Deseo salir con un hombre que me compre flores
To prefer that
Preferir que
To not find that
I don’t find the children guilty
No encontrar que
No encuentro que los niños sean culpables