sub occipital region Flashcards
which 2 nerves supply cutaneous sensory innervation to the skin of the suboccipital region?
the greater and lesser occipital nerves
what are the muscles in the superficial suboccipital region?
part of levator scapulae
the proximal part of SCM
what are the muscles of the intermediate layer of the suboccipital region?
splenius capitis and splenius cervicis
where does splenius capitis run from / to?
for the nuchal ligament and C3-C7 spinous process to the occipital bone
where does splenius crevicis run from / to?
from T3-T6 sopinous processes to C1-C2 transverse processes
what is the innervation of splenius capitis and splenius cervicis?
both innervated by the posterior rami of C1-C6
what are the functions of splenius capitis and splenius cervicis?
bilateral = extend the head and neck
unilateral = flex and rotate to the same side
what muscle group lies beneath splenius capitis and splenius cervicis?
erector spinae
what are the 4 muscles that attach to the mastoid process?
the posterior belly of digastric
splenius capitis
longissimus capitis
where do the suboccipital muscles lie?
deep between C1-C2 and the occipital bone
what is the collective function of the suboccipital muscles?
extend the head (tilt it backwards)
what nerve innervates the suboccipital muscles?
the suboccipital nerve (one on either side)
where does the suboccipital nerve originate from?
the posterior ramus of C1
what are the muscles of the suboccipital region?
rectus capitis posterior major
rectus capitis posterior minor
obliquus capitis inferior
obliquus capitis superior
where does rectus capitis posterior major attach?
to C2 spinous process inferior to the nuchal line
where does rectus capitis posterior minor attach?
to C1 posterior tubercle inferior to the nuchal line
where to the obliquus capitis muscles lie in relation to the rectus capitis muscles?
the sit lateral to the rectus capitis muscles
which of the obliquus capitis muscles are larger?
obliquus capitis inferior
where does obliquus capiits inferior pass between?
C1 and C2
where in reaction to obliquus capiits inferior does obliquus capitis superior lie?
more laterally