Stuff before exam Flashcards
Other word for PVS
unresponsive wakeful syndrome
how do you assess developmental assessment
- Gross Motor
- Fine Motor
- Language
- Personal Social
what is Klinefelter syndrome and what are the symptoms
- genetic condition when the boy is born with an extra X chromosome therefore you have XXY
- taller
- poor pubertal development - lack of pubertal hair
- small penis
- small firm testicles
- infertility
what is the genetics of Turner
45 XO born without an X chromosome or part of it missing
what is the innervation of the tongue
Anterior 2/3
- general is lingual nerve from the trigeminal nerve (M3)
- special sensation is - chorda tympani - from the facial nerve
posterior 1/3
- general is glossopharyngeal nerve
- special sensation is glossopharyngeal nerve
Horner syndrome symptoms
- by a constricted pupil (miosis),
- drooping of the upper eyelid (ptosis),
- absence of sweating of the face (anhidrosis)
- sinking of the eyeball into the bony cavity that protects the eye (enophthalmos).
What is an uncus
The uncus is an anterior extremity of the parahippocampal gyrus.
where is DHT produced
Leydig cells, adrenals
Females Ovary (20%), adrenals (80%)
what number is the abducens and what number is trochlear
Trochlear is cranial nerve 4
Abducens is cranial nerve 6
what are the types of summation in nerves
temporal and spatial summation
what is the difference between rostral and cadual
rostral refers to the front of the head whereas cadual refers to the back of the head
describe tramadol (atypical opioid)
Moderate to severe pain.
- Acts on mu opioid receptors
- Interacts with monoaminergic systems (inhibits serotonin and noradrenaline uptake, but not as good as tricyclic antidepressants).
side effects - • Nausea • Vomiting • Sweating • Itching • Constipation
Side effects due to anticholinergic activity (action on acetylcholine muscarinic receptors).
what are msucarinci side effects
dry mouth
blurred vision
dry skin
what is dyspepsia
Dyspepsia, also known as indigestion,
What innervates the different muscle of the eye
- medial, superior, inferior rectus
- lateral oblique
- levator palbrae
- cillary muscle
- iris sphincter muscle
- superior oblique
- lateral rectus
oculomotor palsy
- down
- dropping eyelid
- dilating of the pupil
what are the eye reflexes
- pupillary light reflex - goes in on optic nerve (CNII) AND COMES OUT ON CNIII oculomotor nerve
- accommodation reflex
- vestibulo-ocular reflex
- The input (afferent) arc of this reflex is the vestibulo-cochlear nerve (CN VIII) which receives signals from the semicircular canals.
- The output is the abducens nerve (CN VI) and the oculomotor nerve (CN III).
- the blink reflex
- .Input: sensory nerve endings in cornea or conjunctiva; these are branches of the ophthalmic branch (V1) of the trigeminal (V) nerve.
- Output: motor fibres in the facial (VII) cranial nerve to the obicularis oculi muscle which pushes the eyelids together
How is the pupillary light reflex caused
- Parasympathetic preganglionic fibres project from the Edinger-Westphal nuclei to the ciliary ganglia in the orbit behind each eye.
- From here postganglionic fibres enter the eye and act on sphincter muscles around the pupil to constrict it.
- This is the pupillary light reflex - this reflex is bilateral so both eyes are affected
Cold opposite side
Warm Same side in caloric stimulating test
name the broaden area
- primary motor cortex
- primary somatosensory cortex
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
- posterior parietal cortex
- supplementary and premotor cortex
- brocas area
- frontal eye fields
- primary motor cortex = 4
- primary somatosensory cortex = 1 2 3
- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex = areas 9 and 10
- posterior parietal cortex = areas 7 and 19
- supplementary and premotor cortex = 6 and 8
- brocas area = 44
- orbitofrontal = 11
what does each tract do
- vestibulospnal
- reticulospinal
- tectluospinal
- rubrospinal
- spinocerebellar
- Spinothalamic
- cotricospinal
- vestibulospnal = posture and balance
- reticulospinal = autonomic regulation
- tectluospinal = movement of the head and eyes to auditory and visual stimuli
- rubrospinal = coordination of the cerebellum and motor velocity, large muscle control
- DCML = vibration, fine touch, conscious proprioception
- spinocerebellar = unconscious proprioception
- Spinothalamic = pain and temperature
- cotricospinal = voluntary motor movement
scrotum sensation anterior and posterior
- genital femoral
- pudendal and posterior femoral nerve
what nerve is the sacral nerve
what is the difference between superior hypogastric plexus and inferior hypogastric plexus
- send sympathetic nerves to the ovarian and uteric structures
- superior receives both parasyamptehtic and sympathetic
- inferior receives S2-S4 parasympathetic innervation
What is the difference between T1 and T2
T1 - CSF - dark White matter - light cortex- grey fat - bright
T2 CSF - bright White matter - dark grey cortex- light grey fat - light
what is a varicocele
A varicocele is an enlargement of the veins within the loose bag of skin that holds your testicles (scrotum). A varicocele is similar to a varicose vein you might see in your leg
what is a hydrocele
A hydrocele testis is the accumulation of fluids around a testicle
What is a haemtocevle
: a blood-filled cavity of the body also : the effusion of blood into a body cavity (as the scrotum)
how do you work out pain tolerance
Total time trial (experimental)/ Total time baseline (control)
How do you work out pain intensity
Mean score in trial (experiment)/ Mean score in baseline