Study Guide (Keywords) Flashcards
What is an attribution
Causal explanation of behaviour
What is etiology
Cause or causes of disease
What is a diagnosis
Identification of the nature of an illness by examination of symptoms
What is prognosis
Predicting the course of a disease as well as treatment and results
What is neurosis
Obsessive thoughts and anxiety
What is psychosis
Loss of contact with reality
What is co-morbidity
Simultaneous presence of two or more diseases or medical conditions
What is equifinality
Idea that different children can start from different points and wind up at the same outcomes
What is multifinality
Children can start from the same point and wind up at any number of out comes
What is multipotentiality
Ability and preference of a person to excel in more than one field
What in conformity
Tendency to yield to social pressure
What is obedience
Compliance with an order request or law to another’s authority
What is social psychology
How peoples behaviour and thoughts are influenced by implied/actual presence of others
What is stress
Response to a situation that threatens or appears to threaten ones sense of well being
What is bystander apathy
The more people present the less likely any person will attempt to help