Personality Flashcards
What is personality?
Unique characteristics that account for enduring patterns of inner experience and outward behaviour
Who embraces the psychodynamic perspective
Freud, Alfred alder, carl jung, Karen horney
What are defense mechanisms
Tactics that emotionally protect us
What is the denial mechanism
Refusing to recognize an unpleasant reality
What is the repression mechanism
Keeping unpleasant memories or thoughts buried in the unconscious
What is rationalization
Creating a socially acceptable excuse to justify unacceptable behaviour
What is reaction formation
Not acknowledging negative impulse and over emphasizing their opposite
What is projection
Transferring ones unacceptable qualities or impulses onto others
What is displacement?
Diverting ones impulses onto a more acceptable target
What is sublimation
Channeling socially unacceptable impulses into acceptable activities
What is regression
Reverting to immature ways of responding
What is identification
Enhancing self esteem by imagining or forming alliances with others
What is intellectualization
Ignoring troubling emotional aspects by focusing on abstract ideas or thoughts
What are arguments against Freuds psychoanalytic theory
Inadequate evidence, cannot be tested scientifically, lack of predicted power
What is Freuds psychoanalytic theory?
People are heavily influenced by their unconscious mind
What is psychoanalysis
A type of therapy based on his theory of discovering ones unconsciousness
What are the three forces of personality
Id, ego, superego
What is ld?
Basic instinctual drives. Seek pleasure, avoid pain
What is ego
Rational thoughts, realistic part of the personality
What is superego
Moral limits, leads us to feel guilt
What are the psychosexual stages
Id pleasure seeking tendencies that focus on one area of the body
What are the structures of personality
Consciousness, preconsciousness, unconsciousness
Who believes people are on a quest for superiority?
Alfred alder
What does Carl Jung believe
That unconsciousness is split into collective and personal parts
Who believes culture has a large role in development?
Karen horney
What does Abraham Maslow believe
Humanistic perspective- humans are inherently good, heiarchy of needs
What is self actualization
Need to fulfill our full potential as humans
Who came up with client entered therapy?
Carl rogers
Who was the first trait theorist?
Gordon allport
What is the trait perspective?
Believes personality revolves traits which are tendencies to behave in certion ways that remain relatively constant across situations.
Who created super factors?
Hans Eysenck
What is the five factor theory
An empirically derived trait theory that proposes 5 major trait categories
What are the big 5 traits
Openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism
What are some advantages of trait theories
Traits become more stable across adult years, stable across many cultures, predict other personal attributes, strong genetic contribution
What are some cons to trait theories
Over simplify personality, portray as fixed notchanging
Who was the first trait theorist
Gordon allport
What is situationalism
Behaviour governed by situations rather than personal traits
What is interactionism
Emphasis relationship between persons traits and reinforcing aspects of the situation
Who came up w/ reciprocal determinism
What is reciprocal determinism
Reciprocal relationship exist among environment behavior and internal mental events
Are genes more important then the environment in development of traits and temperament
What is phrenology
Evaluate mental and moral qualities based on skull shape