Study Guide C-12 Test Questions Flashcards
What are the standard size of HANDICAP accessible stalls in a parking lot ?
18’ x 9’ ( 216” x 108” )
What are the standard size of standard, compact car stalls in a parking lot ?
15’ x 6’
What are the standard size of standard, large size car stalls in a parking lot ?
19’ x 7’ ( 228” x 84” )
What is considered first when planning a traffic control zone ?
The safe flow of traffic through the zone
How many type 2 barricades does it take to close the shoulder and one lane of a freeway ?
4 barricades
( 2 for each lane closed and 2 for the shoulder )
According to cal trans , paint applied to pavement in one coat must be applied at a rate of 1 gallon per:
107 sq ft
According to cal trans, stripes and pavement marking on new surfaces must be applied with how many coats, unless otherwise required specifications ?
2 coats
Which color is most commonly used for stall outlines ?
Lighting poles in a parking facility are usually installed _____ of a double row of parking stalls.
Along the centerline
What is overhang ?
Distance from from the striking face of a wheel stop to the property line or wall
How long should you wait before you put a second coat of striping paint on a freeway ?
Until first coat is dry
When laying striping lines, spots should be placed a maximum of every ____ on curves
5 feet
How long must you wait before you put pavement markers on new asphalt that is open to traffic ?
7 days
( 14 days IF you use epoxy adhesive )
Experience has established a _____ width of line as the best practice for pavement markings
5 inch
How do you know you are reaching maximum compaction when rolling with a sheepsfoot roller ?
Roller will start walking out of the compaction area
Why would you put fabric down over old asphalt when overlaying with new asphalt ?
To help control reflection cracking
Where do you dispose of broken concrete ?
Landfill ( if not does meet requirements to put along roadway)
What is benching ?
Making a step-like cut into a slope. Used for erosion control and to tie or key in new fills to an existing slope
According to Caltrans specifications, no more than ___ (by weight ) of high-calcium hydrates lime used for treatment of bases may be retained on a No. 30 sieve.
Most specifications for lime- treated bases require mixing to be completed within _____ hours
72 hours
According to Caltrans specifications, lime should be added to base material to be treated __ to___% ( by weight) of the dry material
2.5% to 5%
According to Caltrans, lime treated base material may not be mixed or spread when atmospheric temperature is below :
When working close to an obstruction , such as a manhole, it is preferable to leave a small plug of dirt in the trench, what machine is known to leave a small plug ?
Bucket line trencher
According to Cal/OSHA, all trenches _____ or deeper, must be shored, benched , sloped or otherwise protected.
5 feet
What is a hinge point ?
A point where the fill slope and the road or shoulder grade begin
What is a hinge point ?
A point where a fill slope stops and the road or shoulder grade begins
What is the first step when applying lime to a sub-base surface ?
Scarify the sub base
Lime cures slowly. Sometimes a lime base will initially fail the compaction test. If this happens you should allow about ____ hours to set before retesting.
18 hours
Which equipment would you use for digging a ditch 6 inches wide and 2 feet deep ?
Wheel trencher
What is the correct equipment to use for digging a manhole ?
You are pouring concrete around a culvert. Once it is buried , the distance between the embankment and culvert must be at least :
6 inches
If you are digging a 5 ft trench for a pipe, how wide should the embankment be ?
8 feet
According to Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction , roots must be removed to a depth of ____feet . The asphalt institute requires only ____ feet.
3 feet
2 feet
What does it mean when blue smoke comes out of an asphalt truck ?
Mix is too hot
After aggregate has been watered, spread, and rolled, what stakes should the grader operator follow for fine trimming ?
Guineas or blue tops
Immediately before applying asphaltic emulsion, the surface to be seal must be :
Clean and dry
Standard concrete reaches its design strength in how many days ?
28 days
What is double dumping ?
Spreading a lift of earth material over a previously placed lift that had not been properly compacted
What is stabilization fill ?
An equipment width compacted fill
On public works project, how is concrete removal paid for ?
Per cubic yard. Square yard, or lump sum
Which type of slurry seal contains the most asphalt filler?
Type 1
Asphalt concrete is estimated and sold by the:
What is the minimum recommended size roller for most street and highway paving ?
10 tons
What is the maximum slope for a curb ramp on a sidewalk ?
1:12 ( 8.3%)
When navigating a slope, at what angle should the equipment operate ?
Parallel to slope
When compacting base aggregate, the lifts should not be more than :
6 inches
When depositing a structure backfill against the back of a concrete retaining wall, it cannot be placed until after concrete has developed a 28-day strength OR a strength of at least ______ psi
Construction materials may not be stored on streets, roads, or highways for more than _____ after unloading
5 days
“ Road-Oils” are :
Slow-curing cutback asphalts
How many pounds of aggregate should be added to coal tar pitch ?
3 to 6 lbs per gallon
A seal coat should not be applied to a new asphalt concrete surface until _____ days after spreading and compacting of the new asphalt concrete
30 days
Spray bars must have a length of at least :
9 feet
How much is an “ extra long ton “ (ETL) of slurry and what does it include ?
2,000 lbs of dry aggregate
Includes emulsified asphalt , water and any accelerators used.
Seal coats must be allowed to cure for a least ___ between applications
4 hours
The thickness of each layer of structure backfill must not exceed _____ before compaction , except that if compaction if done by ponding and jetting, the thickness of each layer may be as much as _________
0.67/ft ( 8”)
4 feet
Slurry cement backfill must be placed within ____ after mixing
1 hour
Immediately before applying coal tar emulsion, the pavement surface must be :
Tree stumps are located in an embankment area where you are working. What must you do ?
Clear away stumps to a depth of at least 2 feet below the original ground level.
( Asphalt Institute )
What type of equipment would you use to compact clay ?
Sheepsfoot roller
A steep, nearly vertical slope along the margin of a landslide is called a :
The maximum slope of an excavation constructed on a hillside is:
2 to 1
When finish-grading, what is the allowable tolerance ?
0.08 ft
What is the minimum width of a temporary traffic lane ?
10 ft
In grading for a curb, the grade setter marks:
“ 2 TBC C-1.00”. What does this mean ?
Two feet from top back of curb cut one foot
Each trench must have a uniform bearing throughout the entire length and must be free of jagged rubble, rock, broken concrete, asphalt concrete and sharp objects greater than ___ inches in greatest dimension.
2 inches
According to CalTrans, the center of a highway sign must be at least ____ feet above pavement level
PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION requires roots must be removed to a depth of ____ ft below existing ground surface or sub-grade .
3 feet
ASPHALT INSTITUTE requires roots must be removed to a depth of ____ ft below existing ground surface or sub-grade .
2 feet
You should deposit a structure backfill in ___ inch lifts against a lime concrete retaining wall that has cured to 28-day strength
6” to 8”
Which compaction test is the oldest and most accurate ?
Sand cone test
Which compaction test is the fastest ?
How is a man hole constructed ?
Bottom , barrels, cone, grade rings, top casting
In most soils, __ to ___% water must be added to start the action of lime
15% to 18%
When using a wheel trencher, it should be equipped with a ___ to keep loose dirt from being left in the bottom of the trench behind the wheel.
Crumbing shoe
According to Caltrans, at least ___ of cement must be used for each cubic yard of soil cement bedding produced .
282 lbs
Excavation required to construct a ditch or channel designated with a bottom width of __ OR MORE is classified by CalTrans as a roadway excavation
12 feet
At night, traffic warning lights must broadcast a ____ light, and flaggers must use a _____ light.
Yellow ; Red
What are chokers ?
Road shoulders that must remain higher than subgrade level
What is the maximum joint distance in sidewalks ?
3 m
A model 12 grader can rip asphalt less than ___ thick and still get good production
If asphalt is 4 inches thick, what machine should you use to rip it ?
Model 14- grader plus a rear ripper rack
Is asphalt is 6 inches thick or more, what machine should you use to rip it ?
Model 16 grader or dozer with rippers
When working slopes on a rocky job, the operator Should level and smooth out the bottom grade the tractor is working from :
After each slope pass
If drill rig is used to remove soil adjacent to utility lines, the holes should be ______ after the work is finished
Most job specifications require asphalt to be spread when ambient are temperature is at least :
Most job specifications require OPEN-GRADED asphalts to be spread when ambient air temperature is ____ or more
What is the diameter of #4 rebar ?
Why would you apply a slurry coat to a roadway ?
You need to stripe the roadway
Roadway is too slippery
Roadway is old and cracking
What does the term “balanced dirt job” refer to ?
No excess in cut and fill job
What is the best choice for erosion control ?
Rye grass
What is the recommend pumping temperature for asphalt cement used for under sealing PCC pavements ?
200˚ to 300˚ C
What is the maximum recommended atmospheric temperature in degrees Celcius for mixing or plain concrete ?
2˚C ( 35˚ F )
If the bottom width of a ditch or channel exceeds 12 feet, the width must be at least ___ outside the slope.
5 feet
If the bottom width of a ditch or channel of LESS than 12 feet, the width must be at least ___ outside the slope
2 feet
To determine the type of undisturbed substrate underlaying soil, the most reliable method is:
Test pits
Which tractor is used for finished grading ?
Motor grader
Asphalt emulsion should be what type ?
If you are removing cold asphalt slightly thicker than 4” , what machine should you use ?
Scraper followed by a push dozer or grader
If you are removing asphalt approximately 10” thick in a narrow area, what machine is best used ?
Track hoe
During asphalt paving, approximately how long will the asphalt mat be for each load of a 25-ton bottom dump truck ?
180 feet