Study frågor 1 Flashcards
- What is personality from a behaviorist point of view
it Is that the perspective looks at personality like the environment is the biggest factor for the outcome in personality.
So you could say that behaviorist believe that people are absolutely controlled buy their environment.
Classic conditioning is? Give exemple
Classic conditioning is when you combine two stimulis one that brings out a automatic respons and one that after awhile of combining it with the unconditioned stimuli could bring out the same respons as the first stimuli. For exempel you could combine food ( unconditioned stimulus) and the ringning of a bell ( natural stimulus ).
The food will make the dog salivate and if you present the food with the ringing of the bell the dog will associate the bell ringing with food coming and the classic conditioning will be that even if no food is coming the dog vill begin to salivate just by hearing the bell ring.
IMPORTENT: in classic conditioning the person does not have a choice to respond it just happens.
What is operant conditioning. Give exemple
Skinner invented operant conditioning which means that you can strengthen or weaken a behavior depending on if you reward that behavior or punish that behaviour. The personsen learns the consequences of his or hers behaviour
For exempel: if you want a dog to sit when you say the word sit and the dog sits you give the dog a treat, this will strengthen the behaviour of the dog.
IMPORTANT : Operant conditioning the person has a choice to respond, it can decided to respond or not.
When does a person hav a choices to respond to the conditioning and when does a person not have control of it.
It has a choices in Operant conditioning. But in Classic conditioning its a automatic respons that the personen cant control so it does not have a choices in responding or not.
What is positiv reinforcement?
It is when you add a reward to make a behavior stronger so the person knows that if they do this kind of behaviour the will be rewarded for it and that makes the behaviour appear more often
What is negativ reinforcement?
It is when you add something unpleasant to make a behavior stop. a exempel of this would be to add a horribel sound and it stops when the behaviour you want is accomplished
What is positiv Punishment?
Its when you add a punishment to make a behaviour stop, for exempel every time someone says fuck you give them a slap.
What is negativ punishment?
Its when you take away something as punishment. for exempel you would take away a persons candy when they miss behave.
Explain Thorndikes law of affect
Law of effect is that a behaviour that as pleasant consequences is more likely to be repeated in the future then a behaviour that has unpleasant consequences
Explain Thorndikes law of repetition
Law of repetition is that a behaviour that is repeated often is easier to remember and to be used in certain situations
What does stimulus generalization mean?
Give exemple
Its when you start generalize stimulus. so a behaviour that you do i a specifik situation will be likely that you do in a similar situation. For exempel if you are afraid of white fluffy bunnys a white fluffy dog will evoke the same respons as a white fluffy bunny will do because you start generalize
What does stimulus discrimination mean? Give exempel
Its when you can discriminate between to very similar stimulus this is used in classic and operant conditioning. for exempel when you take pavloves dogs they could here the difference between the sound that signals “food is coming” and a similar sound.
What is extinction referring to from a behaviorist perspective?
Its when a a behaviour that you have learned from classic or operant conditioning gradually stops and later become extinct. This is done by not accommodat the stimulis anymore. For exempel Classic conditioning it would be that the bell would ring but no food will come and if that happens enough times the dogs will stop salivat when the bell rings the behaviour gets extinct.
what does shaping mean?
Shaping is when you gradually change a behaviour so in time it start to resemble the behaviour that you desire more and more. So shaping is when you shape a behavior gradually so when your done you get the behaviour you wanted.
Why are consequences of behaviour so essential in behaviorism?
They are important because its how we learn everything. So depending on the consequences you get now form a behaviour it determines if you will continue with that behaviour or not.
What is avoidance associated with and why is it interesting from a behaviorist point of view?
Avoidance is associetet with operant conditioning. But mostly avoidance is associetet with pain and it helps as avoid situations that triggers pain.
Its interesting because our behaviour and the environment goes hand in hand so you have to uncover the environment to understand our behaviour. why do we avoid this? well it causes a unpleasant feeling and how does the awareness of this affect our behaviour?.
For exempel: approach avoidance is you have two drives that works against each other, you meet a guy that is so good looking and you want to sleep with him but you also know his not good for you and you should walk away. You are draw to and away for this behaviour this results in anxious and neurotic behaviour.
Avoidance -avoidance is when your only two options is two undesirable options like you dont eat or you eat something you dont like. the outcome of this is the person becomes neurotic
What is systematic desensitization? And what kind of problems is it used for? Giv exemples
Systematic desensitization is a behavour terapi that is based on classical conditioning And the goal with this is to reduce anxiety towards something.
its like when you gradually break down a phobia so it stops being a phobia. you do this by introducing the thing you have a phobia with in environments that you feel safe and comfortable in.
Why is it interesting to talk about immediate consequences and logterm consequences of a behaviour from a behaviouristic point of view ?
Because consequences is the effect of our actions. consequences will either strengthen or weaken a curtain behaviour.
the difference is immediate consequences is like reinforcement or punishment. But when it comes to logterm consequences we can really say if the behaviour will be strengthen or weakened and if its going to be repeated. What is known is that with reinforcement we get a a better and more logterm result if you do the reinforcement immediate and not wait a long time before giving the reinforcement