Structure of Bacteria Flashcards
Define Eukaryotic
Eu means “true”; karyotic means karyon, “nut” or “kernel”, here meaning “nucleus”
can be transfer to another bacteria; major percent to transfer traits
Define Prokaryotic
pro means before; karyotic means karyon, “nut” or “kernel”, here meaning “nucleus”
an extra chromosome that is Possible to gain or transfer immunity
what are the three layer of bacteria?
Cell/plasma membrane
Cell wall
for adhesion or attachment
When bacteria attach together through ___, they create biofilm that makes them stronger
compromises to slime layer and capsule which external to the cell wall
Extramural layer
This consists of flagella and pili
Structures projects from the cell surface
Surface appendages
Consists if cell wall and cytoplasmic membrane
Cell envelope
A folded invagination in the plasma membrane of bacteria produced by the chemical fixation techniques
Consists of nucleiod, ribosomes, mesosomes, volatile granules and plasmid
Cytoplasmic inclusion
used to prepare samples for electron microscopy, but previously thought to be part of the normal structure of the cell
are concentrated deposits of certain substances presented/located in the cytoplasm of certain bacteria
Volatile granules
What are the 4 functions of Capsule? (EACD)
- Enhances bacterial virulence by inhibiting phagocytosis.
- Acts as protective covering against antibacterial substances such as, bacteriophages, phagocytes, enzymes etc.
- Capsule antigen is specific for bacteria and can be used for identification and typing of bacteria
- Diagnostic importance
Extracellular gelatinous accumulation of viscid materials around the external surface of the cell wall of bacteria capsule
Slime layer and capsule
a polysaccharide layer that lies outside the cell envelope, and is thus deemed part of the outer envelope of a bacterial cell
It is a well- organized layer, not easily washed off, and it can be the cause of various diseases.
When it diffuses into the surrounding medium and remains as a loose undermarcated secretion as in leuconostoc, it is known as ____
slime layer
It is the organ of locomotion
Hair like Helical structure emerge from the cell wall. Composed of flagellin protein and known as H-antigen
Flagella and Motility
What are the 5 types of Flagella?
- Monotrichous
- Amphitrichous
- Lophotrichous
- Peritrichous
- Atrichous
helps in invasiveness as power of locomotion helps in penetrating through epithelial barrier and viscid mucous membrane
Some gram-negative bacteria possess another type of filamentous appendages which are numerous, thinner and shorter than flagella
Fimbrae of Pili
helps in the virulence by acting as colonization antigens