Structure and Function of the Renal Urologic systems Flashcards
Renal function
- Maintain a stable internal environment for optimal cell and tissue metabolism
- Balance solute and water transport
- Excrete metabolic waste products
- Conserve nutrients
- Regulate acids and bases
- Performs gluconeogenesis: synthesis of glucose from amino acids
- Forms urine
Endocrine functions: Secrete hormones
- Renin: regulation of BP
- Erythropoietin: Production of erythrocytes
- 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3: Metabolism of Ca
Forms urine
- Filtration
- Reabsorption
- Secretion by the glomerii and tubules in the kidney
- Storage of the urine in the bladder that it receives from the kidney by way of ureters
- removal of the urine through the urethra
Structures of the kidney
- Kidney
- Renal capsule:Surrounds the kidney
- Renal fascia: fibrous tissue
- Hilium: place where the renal blood vessels, nerves, lymphatic vessels and ureters enter/exit the kidney
- Renal cortex
- Renal medulla
- Renal columns
Renal cortex
- outer layer of the kidney
- Contains glomeruli
- Most of proximal tubules
- Part of the distal tubule
Renal Medulla
- Forms the inner part of the kidney
- Called pyramids
- Contains the tubules and collection duct
Renal columns
-Extend from the cortex between the renal pyramids
Other structures of the kidney
- Minor calyx
- Major calyx
- Renal pelvis
- functional unit of the kidney
- Tubular structures w/ subunits that include the renal corpuscle, proximal convulated tubule, loop of henle, distal convoluted tubule, and collecting ducts
- All those structures contribute to formation of urine
Three kinds of nephrons
- Superficial cortical nephrons: make up 85% of nephrons
- midcortical nephrons
- Juxtamedullary nephrons: concentrating urine
Nephron renal corpuscle
-Contains glomerulus, Bowman glomerular capsule, mesangial cells
Mesangial cells
-Have phagocytic properties and release inflammatory cytokines and growth factors
-Glomerular filtration membrane filters selected blood components through its
Glomerular endothelial cells
- Synthesize nitric oxide (vasodilator)
- Synthesize endothelin-(vasoconstrictor)
- Regulate glomerular blood flow
Filtration of the glomerulus
-Plasma filtrate from glomerulus passes through the glomrular membrane into the bowman space to form the primary urine
Bowman capsule: podocytes
- composed of cells: podocytes
- Form an elaborate network of intracellular clefts called filtration slits: modulate filtration
- Is supplied by the afferent arteriole and drained by the efferent arteriole
- Juxtaglomerular apparatus: controls renal blood flow, glomerular filtration and renin secretion
Renal tubules
- Substances are reabsorbed from the filtrate or secreted into the filtrate
- Proximal convoluted tubule
- Loop of henle
- Distal convoluted tubule
Loop of Henle
-Hairpin-shaped loop composed of thick and thin portions of a descending segment that goes into the medulla
Collecting duct
- Descends down the cortex through the renal pyramids of the inner and outer medulla, draining urine into the minor calyx
- Consists of: principal cells, intercalated cells
Principal cells
-Reabsorb Na and water and secrete K
Intercalated cells
-Secrete hydrogen and reabsorb K
Blood vessels
- Renal arteries: supply blood to kidneys-arise from abd aorta
- Interlobar arteries
- Arcuate arteries
- Interlobular arteries
- Afferent arterioles
- Glomerular capillaries
- Efferent arterioles
- Peritubular capillaries
- Vasa recta
Efferent arterioles
- convey blood to the peritubular capillaries; an increase or decrease in resistance to the afferent or efferent arterioles
- This will then increase or decrease in GFR
- long, interwining smooth muscle bundles
- pass obliquely through the posterior aspect of the bladder
- peristaltic activity propels urine to the bladder
- Micturition compresses the lower end of the ureter to avoid urine refulx
- Components: detrusor muscle, trigone
- Transitional epithelium: allows expansion as the bladder fills; serves and transduces info about the luminal pressure and urine composition
- Extends outside the body
- Internal and external sphincters
- Shorter in females
- Innervation: parasympathetic fibers, skeletal motor neurons in the pudendal nerve
Bladder and Urethra
Reflex arc is required for micturition-stimulated by mechanoreceptors from stretching-bladder fullness is sensed; impulses sent to sacral level of spinal cord
- When bladder accumulates 250-300mL of urine-contracts and the internal urethral sphincter relaxes from activation of the spinal reflex arc (micturition reflex)
- Urge to void is felt
Renal blood flow
- Kidneys receive 1-1.2L//min of blood
- If MAP decreases or vascular resistance increases, then RBF decreases
- Filtration of plasma into the Bowman space
- 20% of the RPF is filtered here
- directly related to the perfusion pressure in the glomerular capillaries
- Strict maintenance of 80-180 mm Hg provides constant GFR
- As systemic BP increases, afferent arterioles constrict, preventing an increase in filtration pressure
- Prevents wide fluctuations in the systemic arterial pressure from being transmitted to the glomerular capillaries
- Solute and water excretion is constantly maintained, despite arterial pressure changes
Autoregulation: Myogenic mechanism (stretch)
- As arterial pressure declines, glomerular perfusion increases
- An increase in arterial pressure decreases glomerular perfusion
Autoregulation: Tubuloglomerular feedback
- Sodium chloride content
- When Na filtration increases, GFR decreases
- When Na filtration decreases, the opposite occurs-GFR increases
Renal blood flow: Neural regulation
- Sympathetic nervous system
- Baroreceptor reflex
- Exercise and change of body position
- Severe hypoxia
Sympathetic nervous system and RBF
- Vasoconstriction occurs (diminishes GFR)
- Causes arteriolar vasoconstriction to reduce renal blood flow
Baroreceptors reflex
- Vasoconstriction of afferent arterioles w/ activation of a1-adrenoreceptors
- Decreases glomerular perfusion and GFR
Exercise and change of body position
-Activate renal sympathetic neurons, causes mild vasoconstriction
Severe hypoxia
- Stimulates chemoreceptors (from pulmonary system)
- Decreases RBF by means of sympathetic stimulation
- Increases systemic arterial pressure, and increases Na reabsorption
- Hormones and other mediators can alter the resistance of renal vasculature by stimulating vasodilation and vasoconstriction
- -In the precence of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), angio 1 is converted to angiotensin 2
- Enzyme is formed and stored in afferent arterioles of the juxtaglomerular apparatus
- Helps form angiotensin 1
- Released in response to decreased BP, decreased Na concentrations in the distal convulated tubules, and release of prostaglandins, and hypovolemia
Angiotensin 2
- Stimulates the secretion of aldosterone by the adrenal cortex
- Potent vasoconsctrictor
- Stimulates antidiuretic hormone (ADH) secretion and thirst
ACE inhibitors
-Anti-Htn meds which inhibit the formation of angiotensin 2, to help reduce BP
System of RAAS
-Liver hepatocytes release angiotensinogen-then release of renin-forms angio 1-then ACE forms-angio 2-increases plasma volume and BP-negative feedback loop
Hormones: Natiuretic peptides
- Artial natiuretic peptide (ANP)-secreted from myocardial cells in atria
- Brain natiuretic peptides (BNP)-secreted from myocardial cells in the ventricle
- Both: Inhibit Na and water asborption by kidney tubules
- Inhibit secretion of renin and aldosterone
- Vasodilate the afferent arterioles; constrict the efferent artioles
- Increase urine formation leading to decreased blood volume and BP, promote Na and water loss
- Promotes diuresis
- C type natiuretic peptide: secreted from vascular endothelium and in the nephron
- Urodilatin: secreted by distal convulated tubules and the collecting ducts
- Causes vasodilation
- Other hormones: adenosine, bradykinin, dopamine, endothelin, histamine, nitric oxide, and prostaglandins
Nephron functions
- Filters the plasma at the glomerulus
- Reabsorbs and secretes substances at various parts of its tubular structure
- Forms filtrate of protein-free plasma (ultrafiltration)
- Regulates filtrate to maintain body fluid volume, electrolyte composition, and pH w/in narrow limits
- Glomerulus w/in bowmans capusle (filtration)-Proximal tubule-Loop of Henle-Distal Tubule-Collecting duct
Proximal tubule
- reabsorption: Na, glucose, K, amino acids, HC03, Po, UREA, h20
- Secretion of: H+, foreign substances
Loop of Henle
- Concentration of urine
- Descending loop: water reabsorption, Na diffuses in
- Ascending loop: Na reabsorption, water stays in
- Urea secretion in thin segment
Distal tubule
- Reabsorption: Na, H20 (adh required), HCO3
- Secretion: K, urea, some drugs
Collecting duct
- Reasborption: H20 (adh required)
- reabsorption or secretion: Na, K,
- Final concentration
Glomerular Filtration
- freely permeable to water and relatively impermeable to large colloids such as plasma proteins
- Contains electrolytes (Na, K, glucose, chloride, creatinine, urea)
Filtration rate
- Total volume of fluid filtered by the glomeruli averages 180L/day
- Filtration of plasma per unit of time is directly related to the perfusion pressure of RBF
GFR increase
-If vasoconstriction of efferent arteriole-filtration pressure increases-GFR increases
GFR decrease
- Vasocontriction of one of the two arterioles produces opposite effects on the glomerular pressure: if afferent arteriole vasoconstricts-decrease in blood flow-drop in glomerular pressure-decrease in GFR and retention of body fluids
- Excessive protein-free fluid loss from vomit, diarrhea, diuretics or sweating can decrease GFR
- Renal tubules and primarily proximal tubules automatically adjust their rate of reasborption of Na and water to balance the change in GFR
Proximal Convulated tubules
- Active reabsorption of Na
- Promotes passive diffusion of water
- Damaged renal tubules: metabolic by products and drugs may accumulate
- Water and electrolytes are cotransported w/ Na
Loop of Henle
-provides the kidney w/ ability to concentrate urine and conserve water for the body
- Formed on the epithelial surface of thick ascending segment and is first segment of distal tubule
- most abundant urinary protein
- protects against bacterial adhesion and urolithiasis
Distal convulated tubules and collecting duct
- performs final adjustments in urine composition
- Fluids become more diluted as is reaches the distal tubules
- End product of protein metabolism and the major constituent urine
- 50% of urea is excreted in urine and other 50% recycled by kidneys
- Norepi and epi promote afferent arioterolar vasoconstriction and decrease GFR and RBF
- Renalase: hormone produced by the kidney that degrades catecholamines and regulates BP
- controls final concentration of urine
- in presence of ADH water reabsorption is high, causing less urine volume
- Secreted in the posterior pituitary
- Excessive ADH is cause of oliguria; SIADH occurs when posterior pituitary hypersecretes ADH, resulting in excess water reasborption and water excess in the plasma
- Inadequate secretion occurs w/ DI-water excreted in large amounts
Vitamin D
- Calcitriol: active form of Vitamin D3
- Necessary for aborption of Ca and Phosphate in small intestine
- decreased Phos stimulate calcitrol
- Patients w/ renal disease typically have low calcitrol and manifest sx of Ca and phosphate balance
Produced by adult kidney-essential for erythropoiesis
Creatinine clearance
Creatinine clearance and GFR provide the best estimate for functioning renal tissue.
-damage to the glomerular membrane and loss of nephrons decreases the GFR
- produced by muscles
- valuable for monitoring progress in chronic rather than acute renal disease
- decrease in GFR see increase in creatinine
Plasma cyst atin concentration
Measures progressive Rena dysfunction
Blood urea nitrogen
Varies as a result of altered protein intake and protein catabolism
Better indication for hydration status
Increase in dehydration and kidney failure
Aging and renal function
Decreased kidney size Decreased RBF and GFR Decreased number of nephrons from renal vascular and perfusion changes Decreased tubular transport Decreased elimination of drugs