Pain, temp, regulation, sleep, and sensory function Flashcards
Neuroanatomy of pain
-intense pain at one location may cause an increase in the pain threshold in another location
Pain inhibitors
-opioids, GABA, cannabinoids, serotonin, norepinephrine
Pain facilitators
-glutamate, substance p, histamine, prostaglandin, bradykinin
Acute somatic pain
- arises from joints, muscle, bone, and skin
- A-delta fibers: pain is sharp and well-localized
- C fibers: pain is dull, aching, throbbing, and poorly localized
Acute visceral pain
- pain arises from the internal organs and lining of body cavities
- pain is poorly localized as a result of the fewer number of nociceptors
Referred pain
- pain in an area is removed or distant from its point of origin
- area of referred pain is supplied by the same spinal segment as the actual site
Pathogensis of fever: inflammation
- activation of monocytes/macrophages
- pyrogenic cytokines: TNF, IL-1, IL-6, IFN
- Liver and metabolic responses
- acute phase response: increased C reactive protein, fibrinogen, ferritin, and other proteins
- Decreased albumin, transferrin, transthyretin
- Increased circulating neutrophils
Benefits of fever
- aids infectious response
- kills many organisms
- decreases the serum levels of iron, zinc, and copper
- deprives bacteria of food
- promotes lysosomal breakdown and autodestruction of cells
- Increases lymphocytic transformation and phagocytic motility
- no resetting of the hypothalamic set point
- 105.8 (41C): nerve damage, convulsion
- 109.4 (43C): Death
- therapeutic hyperthermia: medically induced hyperthermia that is used to destroy pathologic micro-organisms or tumor cells
heat cramps
- severe spasmodic cramps in the abdomen and extremities
- follow prolonged sweating and associated Na loss
- diluted salt solutions are administered through oral or parenteral routes
heat stroke
-cerebral edema, degeneration of CNS, swollen dendrites, renal tubular necrosis, hepatic failure, delirium, coma
Malignant hyperthermia
- life threatening complication of an inherited muscular disorder
- precipitated by the administration of volatile anesthetics and neuromuscular-blocking agents
- increased Ca release or decreased Ca uptake w/ muscle contraction
- Treatment: remove the agent and cool individual, administer drugs that antagonize the ryanodine receptors
Visual Dysfunction: Alterations in refraction
- most common vision problems
- myopia (nearsighted)
- hyperopia (farsighted)
- astigmatism (unequal curvature of the cornea)
Neuro disorders: hemianopia
-is defective vision in one-half of a visual field
External ear
- involved only w/ hearing
- pinna (auricle), auditory canal, and tympanic membrane (eardrum)
Middle ear: transmits sound to the inner ear
- Malleus (hammer)
- Incus (anvil)
- Stapes (stirrup)
- Oval window, eustachian tube, and fluid
Inner ear
- hearing: bony and membranous labyrinths transmit sound waves through cochlea to the division of the 8th cranial nerve
- equilibrium: semicircular canals and vestibule help maintain balance through equilibrium receptors
Inner ear cont.
- oval window
- perilymph
- cochlea, vistibule, and semicircular canals
- endolymph
- organ of corti, which contains hair cells
- equilibrium receptors
- crista ampullaris
- otoliths: small pieces of Ca salts
Conductive hearing loss
-cannot be conducted through the middle ear
Sensorineural hearing loss
- impaired organ of corti or its central connections
- presbycusis: age-related hearing loss
mixed hearing loss
-combination of conductive and sensorineural loses
Functional hearing loss
no organic causes
Ear infections: otitis externa
- is infection of the outer ear or canal
- commonly caused by prolonged moisture exposure (swimmer’s ear)
Ear infections: otitis media
- is infection in the middle ear
- two types:
- -acute otitis media
- -chronic otitis media
- cranial nerve 7 and 9
- sour, salty, sweet, bitter, umami (savoriness)
-cranial nerve 1 and 5