Structure and function of the neuro system Flashcards
- consists of 22 bones
- adult skull bones are fused together by sutures and immovable fibrous joints
- foramina (base of skull) allow nerves and blood vessels to transmit between body and brain)
- Foramina magna-spinal cord exits the brain
Efferent pathways of PNS
-Descending; innervate effector organs
Afferent pathways of PNS
-Ascending; sensory to spinal column
- provides attachment for large muscles
- 24 verebral bones, separated by intervertebral disks and supported at the base of the sacrum
- sacrum: made of 5 fused vertebrae and ends in the coccyx
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
- Somatic nervous system
- autonomic nervous system
- sympathetic
- parasympathetic
Brain and brain stem
body’s control center consisting of cerebral hemispheres, cerebellum, brain stem, thalamus, basal ganglia all enclosed in meninges
-divided into three regions: forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain
Somatic Nervous System
- Part of the PNS
- Motor and sensory pathways regulate voluntary motor control of skeletal muscle
Autonomic Nervous system
-motor and sensory pathways regulate the body’s internal environment through the involuntary control of organ systems
- primary info and communication cell
- variable size and structure throughout the nervous system
- some continue to divide (olfactory) and some die off as not needed
- contain: microtubules (transport), neurofibrils (structural support), missi substances (protein synthesis)
Spinal cord
- brain and spinal cord together form the CNS
- Cauda equina: bundle of nerve roots, located at the base of the spinal column, that connect to the legs, bladder, bowels, and genitals
Components of neuron: Cell body (soma)
Cell body
- located mainly in CNS
- Nuclei: densely packed cell bodies in CNS
- Ganglia and plexuses: groups of cell bodies in the PNS
Components of neuron: dendrites
- receptive portion of the neuron: sends impulses to the cell body
- Dendritic zone: is the receptive portion of the neuron that receives a stimulus and continues further conduction
Cranial nerves
-emerge from brain
-12 cranial nerves
8-vestibulocochlear nerve
Components of neuron: axon
- -carry nerve impulses away from cell body
- action potentials begin at axon hillock
- myelin
- endoneurium
- neurilemma (schwann sheath)
- nodes of ranvier
- saltatory conduction
- divergence
- convergence
Three components of neuron
- cell body-soma,
- dendrite
- axon
Myelin (axon)
- segmented layer of lipid material insulating substance
- myelin sheath: entire membrane
- formed and maintained by the schwann cell
Schwann cell (axon)
-thin membrane between the myelin sheath and the endoneurium
saltatory conduction (axons)
-causes faster transmission by allowing ions to flow between segments of myelin rather than along the entire length of axons
Sensory neurons
- transmit impulses from peripheral sensory receptors to the CNS
- Are transmitted via an afferent pathway
Associational or interneurons
-transmit impulses from neuron to neuron
motor neurons
- Transmit impulses from the CNS to an effector organ
- transmitted via an efferent pathway
- Support the neurons of the CNS
- astrocytes
- oligodendroglia
- microglia
- Ependymal