Stroke Flashcards
stroke definition
- A stroke occurs when the blood supply to parts of the brain are interrupted, usually due to a blocked or burst blood vessel.
- When oxygen and nutrients can no longer reach parts of the brain vital brain cells are damaged and may die
- The onset of stroke is sudden and the effects on the body are immediate
Transient Ischaemic Attack
- symptoms last for less than 24hours
brain degredation compared to motor function
- The right side of the brain controls the left side of the body and vice versa
- Therefore, a stroke which occurs in the right side of the brain will usually affect the left side of the body
Ischaemic stroke
- the most common type of stroke
- the blood vessel is blocked by a blood clot, which interrupts the brain’s blood supply.
- Blood flow to the brain is impaired and the brain cells begin to die within minutes from lack of oxygen and nutrients.
- The area of tissue death is called an** infarct.**
causes of ischemic stroke
- Narrowed arteries from cholesterol deposits (arteriosclerosis)
- A clot forming in an artery (thrombosis)
- A clot travelling from somewhere else & lodging in an artery (embolism)
Narrowed arteries from cholesterol deposits
A clot forming in an artery
A clot travelling from somewhere else & lodging in an artery
Haemorrhagic stroke
- a blood vessel in the brain ruptures and bleeds.
- When an artery bleeds into the brain, brain cells do not receive oxygen and nutrients.
- In addition, pressure builds up in surrounding tissues and swelling occurs causing further cell death
cause of heamorrhagic strokes
- caused by a number of disorders which affect the blood vessels
- long-standing high blood pressure
- cerebral aneurysms
what is an aneurysm
An aneurysm is a weak or thin spot on a blood vessel wall. Aneurysms develop over a number of years and usually don’t cause detectable problems until they burst
stroke incidence
85% ischemic
15% heamorragnic
risk factors
- Smokers are at twice the risk
- diabetes almost doubles the risk of stroke.
- over the age of 55.
- high blood pressure is the major risk factor for stroke and Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA).
- A diet high in salt and fatty foods is linked to high blood pressure which increases the risk of stroke.
- Existing blood vessel disease, angina, heart attack or a previous TIA and atrial fibrillation (a type of irregular heart beat) increase the risk of stroke.
post stroke symptoms
- Altered levels of consciousness
- Muscle weakness
- Loss of feeling/sensation
- Changes in vision
- Altered speech
- Impaired swallowing
- Altered skin integrity
- Issues with bladder and bowels
- Altered thinking processes and changes in behaviour
- Feeling emotional
And these may result in:
* Difficulties with moving and handling and altered safety awareness
Difficulties in carrying out activities of daily living
is an involuntary rapid movement in the leg as a result of high tone muscles being stretched. This is commonly seen in the gastroc.