Stress: Hardiness (ID Explanation) Flashcards
What points can be made when describing the explanation?
3 features
How they buffer against stress
Research studies
Who came up with hardiness?
Kobasa and Maddi
What are the three features of a hardy personality?
Control: They feel in control of their lives
Commitment: They have a sense of meaning and would rather stay involved than alienate themselves
Challenge: They see stressful situations as a change for growth
How do the features of a hardy personality act as a buffer against stress?
They are less likley to experiance stress-related illness as they seek out social support and view their responses in a positive way
What research studies can be used when describing the explanation?
What was Kobasa’s study? (Can either be A01 or A03)
Two groups of male business executives who experiance high stress in the last 3 years
The group that did not get ill had more hardy personalities
What was Maddi’s study? (Can either be A01 or A03)
Workers at Bell Telephones experiancing redundancy
1/3 had hardiness and didn’t get ill
What was Bartone’s study?
Soldiers high in hardiness were better able to deal with stress in the army and in every day life and less likely to have PTSD
What evaluative points can be made?
Supporting evidence Gender differences Importance of all three elements Neuroticism Application Issues in measurement
What gender differences can be found?
Kobasa’s study was androcentric
Sheppard: Control and commitment predict health for males but not females
Age groups may also be important
What did Sheppard find?
Control and commitment predict health for males but not females
Why are all three elements important?
Sandvik: 21 navy cadets were all high in hardiness but those that were unbalanced had more damaging immune responses
Being low in challenge can make you vulnerable
What did Sandvik find?
21 navy cadets were all high in hardiness but those that were unbalanced had more damaging immune responses
How is hardiness linked to neuroticism?
Houston and Funk: There is overlap between scales that measure hardiness and scales that measure neuroticism.
Neurotic people are more likely to report illness so those low in hardiness may be more neurotic.
Funk: More research needed to highlight the exact nature