Stress: Characteristics Flashcards
What points can be made?
Physical response
Psychological response
Types of stress
Effects of stress
What is the physical response to stress?
The central nervous system is activated and releases hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol which give us the recourses to be able to deal with the stressor.
Adrenaline boosts the heart rate and helps us with flight or fight
What is the psychological response to stress?
Lazarus and Folkman: Transactional model of stress
Who came up with the transactional model of stress?
Lazarus and Folkman
What is the transactional model of stress?
Primary appraisal: People assess if the threat is significant
Secondary appraisal: People assess if they have the resources to deal with the threat and then decide which stress response to give.
What are the types of stress?
Acute stress: This is the most common type and is a response to an immediate threat
Episodic acute stress: This is repeated instances of short term stress with a recovery period inbetween
Chronic stress: This is stress that persists over a long period of time and can cause health problems
What is acute stress?
This is the most common type and is a response to an immediate threat
What is episodic acute stress?
This is repeated instances of short term stress with a recovery period inbetween
What is chronic stress?
This is stress that persists over a long period of time and can cause health problems
What are the effects of stress?
Headaches, sweating and nausea Immunosupression Feelings of iscolation and low self esteem Mental health issues Insomnia