Stress: Adrenaline and acute stress (Bio Explanation) Flashcards
What points can be made when describing the explanation?
Sympathomedullary pathway
Fight or flight
Effects on the heart
What is the sympathomedullary pathway?
Hypothalamus coordinates a response with the autonomic nervous system and sends an electrical signal to the adrenal medulla to release adrenaline and noradrenaline
How does the sympathomedullary pathway cause a fight or flight response?
It gets the body ready for fight or flight as blood is diverted away from nonessential systems to where it is most needed for action. It prepares the body to face the stressor by giving recourses to act either offensively or defensively
How is the fight or flight response the product of evolution?
It was an adaptive stratergy in the EEA as most stressors required an energetic response. We still have it now due to genome lag
What effects does adrenaline have on the heart?
Linked to cardiovascular disorders as the heart beats faster and blood vessels constrct
Heidt: Medical staff in the ICU had raised white blood cells and increased risk of heart attacks
Who investigated into the effects of adrenaline on the heart?
What was Heidt’s study into the effects of adrenaline on the heart?
Medical staff in the ICU had raised white blood cells and increased risk of heart attacks
What evaluative points can be made?
Supporting evidence Not cause and effect Application Gender differences Individual differences
What is the supporting evidence?
Leor: More people died of cardiovascular problems after an earthquake showing that stress worsens heart problems
Cardiomyopathy: Severe emotional stress causes adrenaline to affect the heart
Which psychologist had supporting research?
How is research not cause and effect?
Dimsdale: Other factors can contribute to heart disease
Liu: Participants completed a survey and 4% died in the next 10 years. No pattern after controlling for demographic factors
Which psycholigists investigated into the causal relationship between acute stress and heart problems?
What was Liu’s study into the relationship between acute stress and heart problems?
Participants completed a survey and 4% died in the next 10 years. No pattern after controlling for demographic factors
Shows it’s not a causal factor
How can the explanation be applied?
People are hooked up to machines showing their biological response to stress and they learn to control it.
Demonstrates that adrenaline is released
What gender differences are not accounted for in the explanation?
Women release more oxytocin and have a tend and befriend response
Shows that the explanation is nomothetic and doesn’t take into account that women react differently
What individual differences are not accounted for in the explanation?
It’s deterministic as it assumes that everyone reacts the same
Tomaka: When we see our bodies changes as positive, we have a more adaptive response
Jamieson: Gave participants a stressful task. The group told to think about their response positively did better
What psychologists investigated the effect of psychology on biological reactions?
What was Jamieson’s study into the effect of psychology on biological reactions?
Gave participants a stressful task. The group told to think about their response positively did better