Stress: Cognitive Distortions Flashcards
Every time I talk to my husband about my problems, he tells me what to do. He is a bad husband.
Counter thought: At times, my husband isn’t the best listener. But he has other good qualities.
It’s 8:30am and I am late for work. I’ve spilled my coffee on my new suit and put a hole in my hosiery. The day is shot.
Counter thought: Good things my happen today. I can start my day over at any time.
Polarized thinking
Every time I drive on the freeway, someone gets in my way and cuts me off.
Counter thought: There are lots of drivers who give me enough room to drive. I’ll focus on them instead of focusing on the ones who cut me off.
She’s late for dinner again, and the food is getting cold. She’s probably mad at me or being late to the movie last night. I’ll bet she thinks I was late on purpose.
Counter thought: She’s late for dinner again. I’m going to ask her when she gets here why she was late.
Mind Reading
The repairman didn’t come on time, and that means I’ll be late to pick up the kids. Then dinner will be late, and my husband will be mad at me, and the kids will miss soccer practice. Then the kids will be mad at me, too. Sometimes, I don’t know why I bother. Life is so complicated, and things don’t work out the way they’re supposed to.
Counter thought: This isn’t the end of the world. If the repairman is more than 15 minutes late, I’ll reschedule. If the repair work takes too long, I’ll ask a neighbor to pick up the kids. I can manage.
My co-workers were laughing when they looked at me. I thought that they were making fun of me.
Counter thought: I don’t know why my co-workers were laughing. Maybe they just heard a joke.
If my mother would just work less, I know we would be closer to each other.
Counter thought: Whether my mother works less or more, only I can impact how I relate to my mother.
Change fallacy
It’s only fair that mark pays this bill since I offered to pay and paid the last two lunches.
Counter thought: I will not expect Mark to pay without talking to him about it first.
Fairness fallacy
The people in that business are only interested in making money. They have no regard for ethics.
Counter thought: I don’t know all of those people
(I only know a few), therefore, I can’t possibly be aware of everyone’s motives.
Global labelling
I wouldn’t have lost my temper with you, had you come home in time for dinner.
Counter thought: I have the right to be angry, but not rage. I am responsible, not others, for my behavior.
I should not ever have to be angry if I just handle things right.
Counter thought: Everyone gets angry at times. I can learn to tolerate and express anger in a way that feels okay,