Stress And Anxiety Flashcards
Define anxiety
A negative emotional state caused by a situation which is threatening.
(Dependant on performers perception of situation)
6 types of anxiety
1) Somatic Anxiety
2) Cognitive Anxiety
3) Trait Anxiety
4) State Anxiety
5) Competitive State Anxiety
6) Competitive Trait Anxiety
2 types of stress
1) Eustress- positive and gives you a feeling of fulfilment and arousal. Increases focus, attention and skill level. Some athletes need and seek this.
2) Distress- negative form. In extreme cases can cause anxiety and apprehension. Tends to be detrimental to performance.
Somatic Anxiety
Physiological response of performer e.g sweating, nausea
Reduces when event starts
Cognitive Anxiety
Psychological response and doubts/worries of performer in their ability. E.g negative thoughts
Experienced prior to event (days)
Trait Anxiety
Trait in individual which measured potential to react with apprehension. Genetically inherited. Person who becomes anxious in non threatening situations have high trait (A-Trait)
State Anxiety
Anxiety felt in a particular situation or time. Cognitive and somatic
Competative trait anxiety
Tendency to see competative situations as threatening.
Competative state anxiety
Anxiety in a specific competative sporting situation
Effects of somatic and cognitive on performance
Somatic- inverted u relationship
Cognitive - negative linear relationship
Before competition somatic and cognitive
Cognitive- increase a week before. Once comp starts either increases if bad starts or decreases if good start
Somatic- sharp increase few hours before and there is a sharp decrease once competition starts.
Response to stress
1) Alarm reaction stage- ‘fight or flight’ - sympathetic nervous system activated and ⬆️HR, BP, blood sugar and adrenaline
2) Resistance stage- homeostasis regained
If stress continues:
3)Exhaustion/collapse stage - adrenal Cortex fails after continued stress - High BP, ulcers, extreme=death
Ways to control cognitive anxiety
Imagery/Visualisation/Mental Rehersal
Positive self talk
Goal Setting
Ways to control somatic anxiety
Muscle relaxation