Social Facilitation Flashcards
4 Theories of social facilitation
Zajonc’s Model
Evaluation Apprehension
Barons distraction-conflict theory
Self-presentation theory
Social Facilitation is?
The influence of the presence of others on performers.
Two types of Passive others
1) Audience- passive spectations who make no comments but cause pressure (snooker audience)
2) Co-actors- people doing same thing at same time without competition (treadmills in gym)
Two types of interactive others
1) Competitiors/competative co-actors- in forever competition (football team)
2) Social Reinforcers/Supporters - people who have influence (coaches)
Zajonc’s model
Passive others (audience & co-actors) —> ⬆️arousal and ⬆️ drive
= cognitive/complex skill = dominant response incorrect =social inhibition (negative effect on performance)
= autonomous/simple skill= dominant response correct = social facilitation (positive effect on performance)
Evaluation Apprehension Theory
Sense of anxiety experienced by performer caused by feeling they are being judged by audience.
Presence of others creates arousal when perceived they are being evaluated
Confident performer= perform well
Cognitive performer= perform poorly
Baron’s Distraction-conflict Theory
The presence of others demands put attention as well as completing a task. This conflict ⬆️arousal = social facilitation/inhibition
Self-Presentation theory
Motivations on how to behave based on how others evaluate you and their knowledge of your behaviour.
1) pleasing the audience-presenting yourself to match the audience expectations
2) Selp-construction- self presentation to match own ideal of self
Ways home field advantage helps
- attentive/supportive crowds
- bigger crowd
- if crowd hate visiting team
- away team travelled long way
- crowd influencing officials
Ways home field advantage inhibits
- home crowd are large, expectant and evaluative =⬆️Anxiety
* increase pressure on home team
Ways to combat social inhibition
- mental rehersal
- familiarisation- train in front of others
- focus on game not audience
- reduce importance of event
- encourage support of team mates
- ⬆️self esteem/confidence
- endure skills are over-learned to encourage correct dominant response in high arousal