Stress Flashcards
Why can prolonged stress lead to health problems such as gastrointestinal problems, heart problems, migraines?
Stress is primarily a fear response. If it is prolonged, this impacts the functioning of the immune system, which is when health issues develop.
If frequently triggered, what can flight/fight responses do to our physiological symptoms?
Cause them to become hypervigilant and overreact.
How does chronic stress affect stress hormone levels in the body?
Stress hormone levels can accumulate. High levels of stress hormones can cause disorders to develop and interfere with normal functioning of the autonomic nervous system & immune system.
What is acute stress?
Unexpected stressor. Quick physiological/psychological responses. Short-lived. Distinctive onset/off patterns.
What is chronic stress?
When responses to stressor continue for extended period. Long-term. For chronic stress to develop, perception is that demands of stressor are greater than resources to cope with demands.
Who developed the idea of the Fight/flight response?
Walter Cannon (1915)
Describe the three stages of Hans Selye (1936) The General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS):
- Alarm stage
* Body reacts to stressor - identifies as threat
* Flight/fight response activated - releases stress hormones - adrenalin, noradrenalin, cortisol
* Actions follow - safety - Resistance stage
* After flight/fight, body is weakened / repairs tissue damage
* Body reduces stress hormones
* If stressor persists, moderate arousal maintained
* Persistant stress response starts to impact body - Exhaustion
* Body loses ability to keep the damaging impacts of stress at bay
* Body has no adaptive energy left
* Illnesses develop, predominantly connected to the autonomic nervous system, gastrointestinal system, and immune system
What does the phrase Tend & Befriend mean?
Based on an observed response to stress demonstrated by women. Women tend to instigate contact from supportive family and friends when stressed - reducing impacts of stress.
What is Lazarus and Folkman’s Transactional model of stress and coping?
Focuses on interaction between the person and stressor/environment. Stress occurs when the demands of the stressor are perceived to be bigger than the resources to cope with the stressor.
What are the two stages of appraisal of Lazarus and Folkman’s Transactional model of stress & coping?
- Primary appraisal - Person evaluates the importance of the interaction with the stressor. If not important, stressor is benign - cope with stressor/positive. If determines stressor is a threat, challenge, loss - increase in stress response.
- Secondary appraisal - If invested in stressor, evaluate available resources - internal (drive, motivation, will power) and external (family, friends, therapist).
If perceived threat of stressor is high, and perceived resources are thinly available, stress will ensue. Mismatch perceived demands/resources.
Is stress an emotion?
No, its a response to a stimulus.
List three main categories of stressors:
- catastrophes - unpredictable/intense
- Significant life changes - moving, having baby, new job, losing close relation
- Every day stressors - late for work, dropped coffee on lap
Is the flight/fight response only triggered with negative stressors?
No, positive can trigger F/F too - sympathetic nervous system aroused.
What is problem-focussed coping?
Finding solutions to problems - tackle the problem.
What is emotion-focussed coping?
Reduction of the emotion involved in a response.