Communication Flashcards
What is therapeutic communication?
Verbal and non-verbal communication between practioner/client - helps client reduce emotional distress, is supportive, educates, gives feedback, brings balance to perspectives.
What are key areas of effective therapeutic communication?
- Empathy
- Trust
- Using open-ended questions
- Silences
- Self-disclosure
- Advice giving
- Reflection
List barriers to practitioner communication:
- Desk in between practitioner/client
- Windows - behind or side of practitioner - have back to window
- Unpracticed verbal/non-verbal communication
What is empathy?
Understanding a situation from the perspective of someone else (client). Understand the emotions of someone else.
List 4 x techniques of effective listening:
- Clarification - clarify you understand
- Reflection - show’s interest/no judgement
- Paraphrasing - allows disclosure/builds trust/client hears own story
- Summarising - draws conclusions/encapsulates main ideas/issuers, outlines client perspectives
List 6 x barriers to effective communication:
- Variation of cultural norms i.e. personal space/gestures
- Language barriers
- Assumption of sexual orientation/gender roles i.e. do you have a girlfriend (asked to boy)
- Gender stereotypes - problematic
- Religion/spirituality - be impartial
- Social class - be aware of class bias
List 6 x barriers to effective communication:
- Variation of cultural norms i.e. personal space/gestures, beliefs, values, nonverbal cues
- Language barriers
- Assumption of sexual orientation/gender roles i.e. do you have a girlfriend (asked to boy)
- Gender differences/stereotypes - problematic
- Religion/spirituality - be impartial
- Social class - be aware of class bias
- Role uncertainty by client
- Sensory overload
- Tone/pitch/volume
- Word choice - pitch to client
- Physical appearance - be aware of biases
Describe optimal non-verbal behaviour by clinician:
Sit squarely, open Lean towards client slightly Smile Use appropriate eye contact (4-5 sec duration at a time) Relax body
Therapeutic communication should be?
Goal directed
Scientifically based
Communication mistakes to avoid:
- Why questions - criticism/defensive response
- Value judgements - client feels bad/disengages
- Minimising patient feelings - no empathy
- False assurance - belittles patient - I know how you feel
- Too many questions - confusion
- Disapproving/disagreeing - defensive response
7, Premature advice - assumption practitioner all knowing - Approval/agreeing - judgement (good, therefore change = bad)
- Changing subject - disinterest
How to communicate therapeutically:
- Recognition to patient
- Broad openings - anything you’d like to discuss
- Offer lead - mm, ok, go on…
- Client to suggest plan
- Client describe what they are experiencing* How does that make you feel - client to evaluate
- Paraphrasing/reflecting back/re-stating
- Suggesting collaboration
What does communication include:
words gestures expressions tone body language eye contact
Communication is a method of passing on what?
What are important communciation skills?
Open-ended enquiry Active listening Reflective practice Empathy Caring behaviours
What are the elements of effective communication?
Tone, pitch volume, speed
Non-verbal communciation
What does proxemics mean?
It’s the amount of personal space people need.