Stravinsky - Vivo from Pulcinella Flashcards
(Structure/Form) The form of Vivo is …………. form.
Rounded Binary
(Structure/Form) There is a ……. in bar 21.
False start
(Structure/Form) The final A’ section, is similar to the opening but with ……….
The omission of the middle section material
(Structure/Form) There is a ….. of the main theme in the B section
Parallel minor key (mournful version)
(Structure/Form) The end of the final section can be characterised as …..
A comical cadence phrase
(Texture/Sonority) A full tutti is only heard on ……. occasions in bars …. and ….
Two brief occassions in bars 33 and 37
(Texture/Sonority) The movement ends with a ……… group of players. The ………, …….. and ………
Very small group of players, just the trombone, cellos and basses.
(Texture/Sonority) The indication of ‘du talon’ in bar 12 indicates ………..
The string music should be played with the heel of the bow.
(Texture/Sonority) There is use of a ……. texture at bar 38.
Heterophonic, the flutes play 3 octaves higher than the bass.
(Texture/Sonority) The most prominent textures in this movement are ….. alternating with ……….
Loud tutti sections with quieter mainly solo passages.
(Harmony/Tonality) Stravinsky would take traditional diatonic harmony and use ………
Added note dissonances
(Harmony/Tonality) The underlying harmonies are often …… and ……. chords, in the classical manner.
Root and first inversion chords
(Harmony/Tonality) The harmonies are often quite ….. due to the ………
Bare, due to the accompaniment often playing root notes and solo instruments having to add the other chordal notes.
(Harmony/Tonality) There is a presentation of the main theme in the B section in the ………
Parallel minor key
(Harmony/Tonality) The A section doesn’t modulate, it’s in the key of ………….
F Major
(Melody) The piece is based upon an Eighteenth Century melody by …………..
Giovanni Pergolesi
(Melody) In terms of phrase structure, there is the use of a …………..
Simple, balanced phrase
(Melody) The melody is embellished with …… like the 18th Century version.
**(Melody) **There is the use of a grace note idea in b.5 called a ……. meaning ………
‘Gruppetti’ meaning ‘little groups’
(Melody) The main motivic idea in the theme is ……….
2 semiquavers followed by a dotted crotchet
(Rhythm/Metre) There is a ……… pulse in this piece.
Clear, metrical pulse
(Rhythm/Metre) The piece is completely in …… time.
(Rhythm/Metre) There is an emphasis on …… at the beginning of motivic fragments.
Short note durations.
(Rhythm/Metre) When the main theme is introduced there is more use of …..
(Rhythm/Metre) Stravinsky often groups certain instruments to ……
Rhythmically support the beginning of the bar, and other instrument sections to support the end of the bar.
(Harmony) - Use of …… harmony – in the cadence D7– G. This happens when ….
Overlapping; the G is anticipated in the D7 and the F# is held over into the G Major chord
(Harmony) The piece ends on a joke-like cadence. This is emphasised with the trombone…The chords used are …. to chord I with the final chord being….
slides; chord iii to I with the final chord being the single pitch of F