Debussy - Nuages (Rotation 3) Flashcards
What section begins bar 29?
Rotation 3
What is unique about the melody, starting in Bar 29?
It consists of mainly Perfect 4ths and Major 2nds
Describe the harmony in Bar 29
- Parallel Harmony
2. Simple triads.
What is the surprise in Bar 31?
An unexpected, but beautiful, C Major chord (Brass play the third of the chord [E] )
Describe the metre in Bar 33.
Similar to the opening, 3/2 vs. 6/4 but this time the woodwinds are against the string section.
What’s the main feature of the bassoon motif, starting in Bar 33?
It’s chromatic (F - G - G#)
What is the prevalent scale used in the string material in Bar 33?
C Wholetone Scale
What is a notable composition device used in the string section from bars 33 - 38 - happening every 2 bars?
A sequence rising by step each time.
What is the most notable aspect of the woodwind writing in Bars 39 - 41?
It’s also sequential; almost like it’s taken over from the strings in the bars before.
What is unique about the string writing in Bar 39?
It’s a single pitch (A♭) across multiple octaves
What is the function of Bar 42?
Linking material
What is the main harmony starting from Bar 43?
Alternating C# diminished and G7 chords.
What is important about the horn material in Bar 46?
First time the Y Material conforms to the 6/4 metre.
What is meant by the ‘the point of maximum immobility’ starting in bar 47?
Although there is syncopation and pizzicato in strings creating momentum, because the harmony is rather static, we don’t feel like the music is really progressing anywhere (even with all this motion)
Describe the harmony in Bar 51
Mostly diminished, using B as a tonal centre. (There is also an argument to be made, that with the G’s in the violins, this is a G7 chord in first inversion like the beginning)
What is unique about the Cor Anglais material in bar 51?
It’s new material
What is unique about the bass material from Bars 51 - 55?
It descends down from B to F (tritone)
What is unique about the length of Rotation 3 in comparison to R1 and R2?
It is the combined length of R1 and R2.
R3 = 28 bars (R1 = 10 + R2 = 18)