Strategies Flashcards
Strategies to teach Phonological Awareness
Rhyming and Songs
Elkonin Boxes
Help to count phonemes.
Student has beans. How many sounds do you hear in “car”? Student should move three beans to identify three sounds.
What is the strategy used to teach concepts about print where students share their experience, the teacher writes them on the board; then reads the sentence to the class, thus the students come to understand that what is said can be written?
Language Experience Approach
Three strategies to teach concepts about print are?
- Language Experience
- Environmental Print
- Print Rich Environment
A strategy to help with letter recognition?
Alphabet TIC TAC TOE. Two students are assigned the same letter, one capital and one lowercase.
How does the strategy Alphabet TIC TAC TOE help students with letter recognition?
It helps identify the difference between capital and lowercase letters and with letter formation.
What are two strategies used to teach the alphabetic principle?
Letter cards and Elkonin Boxes (used with letter cards)
What are activities that support encoding and decoding development?
Writing activities such as:
- proofreading
- sentence lifting (teacher anonymously chooses erroneous sentences puts them on the board and has the whole class correct.)
What are irregular sight words?
Words that occur commonly but cannot be pronounced according to the phonics rule ie. come
In decoding development how is instruction done at the beginning reading stage?
- Blending vc and cvc words.
- Teaching one syllable words.
- Teaching irregular sight words
What are some of the factors that affect the sequence of instruction for specific sight words?
- absence.
- Struggling students
What are the strategies to master high frequency words?
- multiple exposures
- hands-on activities
- identify words in grade level texts
- making words
- flashcards activities
- writing simple sentences
In order to extend opportunities in word analysis…
- Exposure of analysis within reading texts
- identify and categorizing word patterns using graphic organizers
- word sorts
Syllable Sort
OPEN CLOSED R control L control
(this would be a grid and students would sort a provided list of words under each category.)
- engaging in writing activities using word analysis skills
- proofreading for learned spelling patterns
- sentence building using sound spelling patterns
What are the strategies for improving accuracy?
- pre-teach vocab
- echo reading
- choral reading
- repeated reading
- phonemic awareness
- sight word instruction
- reading passages aligned w/phonics instruction
- reader’s theater
What are the strategies for improving rate?
- partner reading
- choral reading
- repeated reading
- timed reading
- whisper reading
- reader’s theater
What are the strategies for improving prosody?
- explicit instruction of punctuation in text
- choral reading
- reader’s theater
- read aloud by the teacher
Learning strategies for guided discussions of academic content and concepts..
- introduction of theme related vocabulary
- after reading discussion and incorporating vocab and academic language
- concept mapping
Strategy for identifying synonyms and antonyms
- explicit instruction of target word, use synonym and antonyms for explanation
- vocab activities: syn and ant matching
- word wall: use syn of words in independent writing
Strategies for learning academic and content area vocab..
- Creating semantic and morphological maps.
- Teach etymology of words, roots and affixes
- Activities such as:
- word web, word sort, vocab organizer, dictionary skills - compare and classifying words
- develop word banks and word logs
- these become personal dictionaries - generating metaphors and analogies
- incorporating new vocabulary in discussions and writing
Semantic mapping
diagrams that help students understand the similarities and differences of vocab; helps students to access and associate prior knowledge to key concepts
Morphological mapping
a web that helps students to associate words with the same morphemes (affixes, roots word families)
Contextual Strategies
independent vocab strategies
- context clues in read aloud
- context clues in independent reading strategy
- types of context clues
- -definition
- synonym
- antonym
- -example
morphological strategies
independent vocab strategies
- compound words
- affixes, roots and base words
- cognate awareness (ELL)
What are strategies to teach word consciousness to students?
- use word games
- investigations of etymology and morphology
- use of figurative language and speech
- awareness of vocab used outside of instruction
What are some listening comprehension activities?
- Hinks Pinks
- Riddles
- Tongue twisters
- Puns
- Idioms
Hinks Pinks
one-syllable words that rhyme. write definition and the students come up with hinks pinks.
ie. large feline….student says “fat cat”
Instructional reading strategies and skills
PRIOR to reading
- set a purpose for reading
- -graphic organizer, questions, prompts - preview texts
- -picture walks, title, captions, headings - KWL chart (primarily used for expository text)
- activate prior knowledge
- provide background knowledge
- preview target vocab
- make predictions
- genre study
Instructional reading strategies and skills
DURING reading
- confirm predictions
- making connections: text to self; text to text; text to world
- visualizing using 5 senses
- summarizing/retelling
- clarifying: pictures, words, phrases
- questioning
- re-reading
- note taking
- teacher modeling & think alouds
Instructional reading strategies and skills AFTER reading
- Address comprehension skills
- -chronological order
- -main ideas and details
- -cause and effect
- -compare and contrast
- -making inferences
- -drawing conclusions
- -classifying and categorizing
- -fact and opinion - Complete graphic organizer
- Guided and independent practice for identifying text structures
- -compare & contrast
- -cause & effect
- -sequence