The role in the development of word recognition and fluency.
To read a text aloud rapidly and successfully a student must be able to decode and create meaning of the texts.
- must be able to read homophones accurately
- make sure they have good prosody and can guage expression and pitch
- all of the above will help with comprehension
Role of reading comprehension
- need to understand strategies to independently figure out word meaning, whole reading
- need to be aware of important theme-related words to understand texts
- increase the amount of time children read independently with various types of books to expand vocabulary
Role of grammar structure
Academic language and complex sentence structures are used more frequently in written texts rather than oral languages. There it demands more instruction and exposure by teachers.
- language of texts
- word complexity
- complex sentence structure
- complex syntax
Early vocabulary development (pre k -2nd grade)
- Oral language experiences at home
- Listening to books read to them
- Categorize and classify target vocab
- Compound words
- Explicit instruction for listening vocabulary
How can effective vocabulary instruction and intervention reduce negative affects in reading development?
Limited vocabulary knowledge puts many kids at risk for early failure of learning how to read and comprehend texts.
- students should be assessed
- explicitly taught vocabulary meanings and strategies
- provided with vocabulary practice and meaningful exposures
What is concept learning?
- category of the target word
- characteristics and features of the target word
- examples of the target word
What is “realia”
real items
What is the correlation between daily reading and academic achievement?
The more one reads independently the higher their vocabulary development because they’re exposed to a wide range of vocabulary.
Reading at appropriate levels to promote vocabulary development.
Need to be aware of a child’s reading level during independent reading. If they’re reading at a frustration level they won’t be successful because they don’t understand what they are reading.
Instructional they may still need support.
Independent will be normalized.
Tier 1 in vocabulary development
conversational vocabulary that students come to school with.
Tier 2 in vocabulary development
words found in reading, academic language and higher order synonyms. ex elaborate, ridiculous, demonstrate
Tier 3 in vocabulary development
words student will not use in every day language. usually relates to a content area such as science, math physics etc.
In which tier will teachers most commonly provide instruction in using 7-10 target words at a time?
Tier 2
How do you promote word consciousness?
- vocab organizers
- poetry as word play
- illustration of figurative language
- investigation of Latin and Greek roots
- word games
- etymology of words
- categorize and classify words
What are some common vocabulary organizers?
- semantic maps
- visually displays the meaning based connections between a word or phrase and a set of related words or concepts. - words alive
- using visuals to determine the meanings of words - semantic analysis
- strategy used to improve vocabulary by helping students examine the relationships among related key concepts in a text - word concept map
- what is the word? what is an antonym for the word? what are some synonyms for the word? examples of how to use the word in a sentence. - sentence stems
-gives students the opportunity to respond in complete sentences to effectively communicate.
I like to eat___. ___ is my favorite dinner. I can eat ___ at one time.
Value of listening comprehension
Conversations about books help children to learn new words and concepts that build on prior knowledge and experience.
Reinforce vocabulary through oral language, reading and writing
- model use of vocab during discussion
- identify word in texts
- transfer new vocab within writing activities.
Learning vocab from context
Students identify the clue words within the sentence that will help determine meaning for the target word
What are the components of a vocabulary program?
- direct teaching of target words
- tier 2 vocab words - word learning strategies
- 7-10 vocab words at a time
- contextual
- apposition
- word structure (prefix/root word/suffix) - development of word consciousness
- multiple exposures and practice with vocabulary - promote wide reading and meaningful exposures
Vocabulary instruction should be composed of…
- student friendly definitions
- use tier 1 language or familiar synonyms making language clear and accessible. - meaningful and contextualized examples
- provide familiar examples for the target word, more simple than how it is used in the text.
- provide visuals
- act out the vocab
- engage actively with the word
- develop graphic organizer
knowledge of syntax and grammar
- sentence structure
- usage
- punctuation
- capitalization
elements that promote coherence in oral and written discourse
- direct instruction
- teacher modeling: speaking and writing
- analysis of model writing
- proofreading