Strategi Exam Prep Flashcards
Exam Prep
Chen et al. - Information Systems Strategy: Reconceptualization, Measurement, and Implications
Three perspectives:
IS strategy as a tool to support business strategy
IS strategy as a master plan for the IS department
IS strategy as a shared view of the IS role in the organization
Chen et al. - Information Systems Strategy: Reconceptualization, Measurement, and Implications
They propose a new definition, what is it?
An organizational perspective on the investment in, deployment, use, and management of information systems. ‘
Chen et al. - Information Systems Strategy: Reconceptualization, Measurement, and Implications
They then propose a new typology: Innovator vs. conservative (+ undefined)
IS Innovator seeks innovation through IS initiatives. They aim to be the first movers in their industry to leverage IS for strategic advantage.
IS Conservatives are cautious about adopting new technologies and prefer to see proven results from competitors before implementing new IS initiatives.
These types are mutually exclusive and an organisation should have a primary focus - each end of the spectrum
Undefined is emergent and not intentional
Chen et al. - Information Systems Strategy: Reconceptualization, Measurement, and Implications
What are the implications?
Less formalization and bottom-up flow are more suitable for IS innovators, while formalization and top-down flow are more suitable for IS conservatives.
A more dynamic approach to IS strategic alignment is needed, recognizing that the business strategy and IS strategy can influence each other over time.
IS Innovators are more likely to create a competitive advantage through unique IS capabilities. By taking risks and exploring new technologies.
Chen et al. - Information Systems Strategy: Reconceptualization, Measurement, and Implications
How do I reference other topics and Topdanmark?
Ill reference Topdanmark as an IS Conservative, but argue that this is not actually by choice and that things point towards an IS innovator future.
Reference Henderson and Venkatraman - Strategy has a significant impact on alignment between business and IT and the digital culture.
It also has a significant impact on EA, Governance and IT Security.
Chen et al. - Information Systems Strategy: Reconceptualization, Measurement, and Implications
Critical perspective
Mutual exclusive is a hard concept - I would argue that the line is more blurry between Innovator / Conservative
What about external factors and internal culture/skills? How do they impact the strategy
Lo, J., & Leidner, D. (2018). Are Dynamic Capabilities the Missing Link Between the IS Strategy and Performance Relationship?
What is the study about?
They interviewed CIOs and other senior executives to Investigate the IS strategy (IS Innovater / Conservative / undefined) affect on performance indirectly through its influence on dynamic capabilities: Agility and Absortive Capacity.
Lo, J., & Leidner, D. (2018). Are Dynamic Capabilities the Missing Link Between the IS Strategy and Performance Relationship?
What do they conclude?
Dynamic capabilities are important factors affecting the relationship between IS strategy and IS contribution to performance.
Having an IS strategy is important for developing dynamic capabilities. IS Undefined strategy is found to be detrimental to IS performance.
IS Innovator strategy is positively associated with IS performance, and this effect is mediated by dynamic capabilities (absorptive capacity and agility).
IS Conservative is neither positively or negatively associated with IS performance.
The relevance of dynamic capabilities is stronger in highly dynamic environments.
Lo, J., & Leidner, D. (2018). Are Dynamic Capabilities the Missing Link Between the IS Strategy and Performance Relationship?
How do I reference other topics and Topdanmark?
Ill reference Topdanmark as an IS Conservative, but argue that this is not actually by choice and that things point towards an IS innovator future
The IT organisation in Top is agile and has a good baseline for absortive capacity (skills, ressources) the business does not.
Lo, J., & Leidner, D. (2018). Are Dynamic Capabilities the Missing Link Between the IS Strategy and Performance Relationship?
Critical Perspective
Industry specifics, dynamic capabilities are not as important in Koru, BESTSELLER as they are in Top or CFCS.
Bias CIOs will often say that we are agile, when we are not. I do it too.
There could be other factors not included here. Alignment, EA, Governance to mention a few :)
VIAL 2019 - Understanding Digital Transformation
It identifies 8 aspects of Digital Transformation.
These are then affected by STRUCTURAL CHANGES and ORGANIZATIONAL BARRIERS and generates NEGATIVE or POSITIVE outcomes.
VIAL 2019 - Understanding Digital Transformation
It identifies 8 aspects of Digital Transformation.
Digital transformation is a process where digital technologies trigger disruptions, forcing organizations to adapt their strategies and how they create value.
Successfully navigating this process requires managing internal changes and overcoming organizational resistance.
VIAL 2019 - Understanding Digital Transformation
What is the difference between strategi and transformation?
Digital Transformation: This is a large-scale, ongoing process. It can take years or even decades to fully achieve.
Digital Strategy: This is a more focused and time-bound plan. It typically covers a shorter timeframe, such as 3-5 year
VIAL 2019 - Understanding Digital Transformation
Critical perspective
Content, process, and people are the three critical focus areas for all organizational changes. The three-legged chair. But are not mentioned.
Also the digital mindset is not mentioned here.
I can talk about this for a while - also why Topdanmark is in a bad position. Mintzberg Divisionalized Form.
DANSK IT’s fagråd for strategi og ledelse (2016) - Det er en række anbefalinger for hvordan man arbejder med strategi.
Hvad er en IT strategi og hvem har ansvaret?
En it-strategi er en plan, der beskriver, hvordan en virksomhed vil bruge IT til at opnå sine mål. Den skal være forankret i virksomhedens overordnede forretningsstrategi og beskrive, hvordan it kan bidrage til at skabe værdi for virksomheden.
Topledelsen har ansvaret, men IT ledelsen har ansvaret for at implementere den med hjælp fra både IT og forretning.
DANSK IT’s fagråd for strategi og ledelse (2016) - Det er en række anbefalinger for hvordan man arbejder med strategi.
Hvad skal en strategi indeholde og hvordan udarbejder man en IT strategi?
Der er ikke én fast metode til at udarbejde en it-strategi. Men en typisk proces kan omfatte følgende trin:
Afsætning af rammerne: Afklar virksomhedens vision, mål og it-governance.
Kortlægning af den nuværende situation: Vurder de nuværende it-ressourcer, -systemer, -kompetencer og -processer.
Fastlæggelse af de fremtidige behov: Beskriv de fremtidige it-behov baseret på virksomhedens strategi og mål.
Udvikling af en strategi: Udarbejd en plan for, hvordan it-behovene skal opfyldes.
Udarbejdelse af en handlingsplan: Beskriv de konkrete aktiviteter, der skal udføres for at implementere strategien.
Allokering af ressourcer: Fastlæg de ressourcer, der er nødvendige for at implementere strategien.
Kommunikation og forankring: Kommuniker strategien til alle relevante interessenter og sørg for, at den er forankret i virksomheden.
Evaluering og opdatering: Evaluer løbende strategien og opdater den efter behov.