Ledelse af Digital Transformation Flashcards
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MINTSBERG 1980 - What is the Structure in 5’s
Mintsberg proposes that typology of 5 basic organizational configurations based on a combination of structural elements and coordinating mechanisms.
- Simple Structure
Coordinating Mechanism: Direct Supervision - small and young businesses - Machine Bureaucracy
Coordinating Mechanism: Standardization of outputs (rules, procedures, clear hierarchy) - production - Professional Bureaucracy
Coordinating Mechanism: Standardization of skills - hospitals, universities - Divisionalized Form
Coordinating Mechanism: Standardization of outputs - Independent divisions in large companies with diverse products and markets - Adhocracy:
Coordinating Mechanism: Mutual Adjustments - dynamic environments requiring innovation
MINTSBERG 1980 - Each structure is charaterized by 5 basic parts. What are they?
Operating Core (Direct Production, Standardization, Limited Discretion), Strategic Apex (Top Management), Middle Line (Mid management), Technostructure, and Support Staff.
MINTSBERG 1980 - Can you find organizations without a clear configuration?
Yes, the configurations represent ideal types, not all organizations will perfectly fit into one category.
MINTSBERG 1980 - How do you choose a configuration?
The choice of configuration chooses you and depends on various factors such as the organization’s age, size, environment, and technology.
ROSS - Designed for Digital - Shared Customer Insight
What are the key aspects of this chapter?
To succeed with digital offerings we need to find the sweet spot between what we can offer and what the customer wants. This is done through constant experimentation.
Shared Customer Insight is about building the ability to:
- Experiment and learn from data
- Collaborate across functions to innovate
- Share knowledge
- Foster a fail-fast culture
- Maintain vision and alignment
ROSS - Designed for Digital - Operational Backbone
What are the key aspects of this chapter?
- Table stakes; Amazon would not be successful if packages were not sent - Topdanmark would not be successful if customers were not unable to service their customers.
- Digital (Using technology to create new customer solutions and innovate) vs. Digitized (Applying technology to optimize existing business processes)
- Standardized systems, data, and processes that support core operations
- Implementation challenges: Legacy/siloed systems, old habits die hard, Time, Focus, Misaligned Power structure (Process leaders are not empowered to implement across the organization)
ROSS - Designed for Digital - Operational Backbone
How can companies lessen the time to build an Operational Backbone?
- Reduce business complexity (Lego).
Consider what it does to the backbone when a new product is introduced, new discounts structures are created - Narrow scope of digitization
Only support the most critical business requirements - i.e. only policies or only customer support - Lower standards
Maybe something is not a perfect fit, but gets the job done. Schneider and Salesforce.
ROSS - Designed for Digital - Digital Platform
What are the key aspects of this chapter?
- A repository of reusable business, data and infrastructure component used rapidly configure and launch new digital offerings
- Faster and cheaper development
- Component mindset, especially for business leaders
- Building (unique needs) vs. buying (limited resources, faster)
ROSS - Designed for Digital - Digital Platform
Compare with Operational Backbone
Digital platform: Focuses on innovation and growth through rapid development of new offerings.
Operational backbone: Focuses on efficiency and reliability by supporting core business processes.
ROSS - Designed for Digital - Accountability Framework
What are the key aspects of this chapter?
- Component ownership
Assigning clear ownership for digital offerings and components to individuals or teams. - Balancing autonomy and alignment (mission)
Teams have autonomy inside a set of boundaries, but need to ensure they work towards a shared goal. - Living Assets
Digital offerings are constantly evolving and need to be updated based on new information and customer needs. - Guiding principles
Mission not structure, metrics not directives, trust not control, collaboration not hierarchy etc. helps balance autonomy and alignment. - Cultural change
A shift from hierarchical structures to empowered teams and trust-based leadership
ROSS - Designed for Digital - Accountability Framework
To succeed
- Distinguish responsibilities:
Separate teams for internal processes (operational backbone) and new digital offerings (digital platform). This avoids conflicts and ensures focus on specific goals. - Component ownership:
Assign clear ownership for digital offerings and their components, including building, maintaining, and improving them. This fosters a sense of accountability and long-term ownership. - Coaching roles:
Establish dedicated roles to support teams in defining processes, achieving goals, and navigating the new framework. - Rethink governance: Shift from resource allocation as the key decision to defining clear missions for teams. This empowers them to make decisions and be accountable for results.
ROSS - Designed for Digital - External Developer Platform
What are the key aspects of this chapter?
- Expands the number and scope of customer offering ang generates new revenue streams
- Leverages the company’s existing digital platform investment for wider benefits
- Creates an ecosystem of partners, fostering innovation and potentially leading to industry platforms.
- Business and data ExDPs vs. Industry Platform ExDPs.
Share internal processes and data vs. creating a marketplace - Not necessarily a starting point for early-stage digital transformation companies.
- Consider data security, privacy and governance
Andersson - Conscious Change Leadership
Why is conscious change leadership needed for transformation changes?
- Problem:
Most organizations fail at transformation (60-70%).
Traditional change management and project management are insufficient for transformation. - Solution
Conscious change leadership is required for successful transformation.
This involves a shift in how leaders perceive reality, including:
Greater self-awareness
A more expansive leadership mindset and worldview
Andersson - Conscious Change Leadership
What are the three types of changes?
- Developmental:
Improving what already exists (e.g., improving a process) and is handled as part of the day-to-day. - Transitional:
Implementing a new, but defined, way of doing things (e.g., installing a new system). Is handled in a project. - Transformational:
Radically shifting the organization’s strategy, structure, etc. (e.g., moving from product-centric to customer-centric)
Andersson - Conscious Change Leadership
What are the key points of Transformational change?
- The new state is often not fully known at the beginning.
- Requires a shift in the organization’s culture and mind-set.
- It is non-linier, uforudsigelig and emergent
Think about climbing a mountain. As you climb you see new paths and the mountain might flatten for a while till there is another steep climb. - Like other changes (development and transistional) it requires focus on content, process and people.
Andersson - Conscious Change Leadership
Say something about Content Process and People
Content, process, and people are the three critical focus areas for all organizational changes. The three-legged chair.
- Content refers to what needs to change in the organization, such as:
Business processes
Services - Process refers to how the content and people changes will be planned, designed, and implemented. Includes all the change-related actions and decisions from the moment of conceiving the need to change until full implementation.
- People refers to the human dynamics of change, including:
Individual mind-set and behavior
Collective culture
Hvad betyder det at bevidst ledelse er flerdimensionel?
Hvad betyder det at “hvor bevidst afhænger af typen”?
Terning med Mindset, Adfærd, Kultur, Indhold på front - processen på toppen og Individuelt, Gruppe, Organisation, Marked, Omgivelser i dybden.
Hvor bevidst afhænger af om vi er i en digital forandring, en digital transition eller digital transformation
Beskriv drivkræfter i forandring.
Hvor dybt skærer forandringen?
- Omverdenen
Trends, udviklinger, lovgivning - Markedskrav
Kundekrav - når de ændrer sig er det et tegn på at omverden har ændret sig - Forretningskrav
Strategiske ændringer som følge af markedskrav - Organisatoriske krav
Det der skal ændres i struktur, systemer, processer, teknologier og ressource for kunne opfylde de nye strategiske krav - Kulturen
Ændringer for at understøtte de organisatoriske krav - Leder og medarbejder adfærd
Hvordan adfærden må være for at etablere ny kultur - Leder og medarbejder tankesæt
Mindsæt styrer handlinger og adfærd
Pries-Heje - NEXUS
Hvad er det?
En forandrings-nexus kan bruges til at finde ud af hvilken af 10
skoler af tænkning (forandringsmåder) om forandring der
passer bedst i en given situation?
Man kan definere den nye virkelighed - ellers virker NEXUS ikke.
- Man tager:
Strategi og mål
Organisation og omgivelser
Fremgangsmåde - og ud kommer en anbefalet forandringsmåde
Pries-Heje - NEXUS
Hvad er de 10 forandringsmåder?
- BPR (Business Process Reengineering) strategi
- Tilvalgs-strategi
- Socialiserings-strategi (og relationel koordinering)
- Specialistdrevet strategi
- Udforsknings-strategi
- Ledelsesdrevet strategi
- Medarbejderdrevet strategi
- Lærende strategi
- Målingsdrevet strategi
- Producerende strategi (og Lean)
Gokalp - DX-CMM
Hvad er det?
DX-CMM står for Digital Transformation Capability Maturity Model. Det er en model, der bruges til at vurdere en organisations modenhed inden for digital transformation.
Forestil dig en stige, der repræsenterer DX-CMM-niveauerne. Ved at vurdere dig selv kan du se, hvilket trin du er på. DX-CMM hjælper dig derefter med at identificere de aktiviteter, der er nødvendige for at klatre til et højere niveau af digital transformationsmodenhed.
Kane - Opnåelse af Digital Modenhed
Hvad handler det om?
En konstant tilpasning af virksomheden til at imødekomme digital behov fra kunder medarbejdere og partnere.
Ikke en engangsdestination og ikke en systemændring.
Opnåes igennem VDKAI
Kane - Opnåelse af Digital Modenhed
Nøglefaktorer for at opnår digital modenhed
- Visionært lederskab: At have ledere, der forstår vigtigheden af digital transformation og kan formulere en overbevisende vision for fremtiden.
- Digitalt talent: At tiltrække, udvikle og fastholde dygtige mennesker, der kan drive og støtte digitale initiativer.
- Kundefokuseret kultur: At omfavne en kultur, der prioriterer forståelse og opfyldelse af kundernes behov i en digital tidsalder.
- Agil og datadrevet beslutningstagning: At være i stand til at tilpasse sig hurtigt til ændrede markedsvilkår og træffe informerede beslutninger baseret på data og analyser.
- Investering i digitale teknologier: At have den nødvendige teknologiske infrastruktur og værktøjer til at understøtte digitale transformationsbestræbelser.
Teichert (2019) - Digital transformation
maturity: a Systematic review
Hvad handler det om?
- En klassisk review artikel, som kigger på en masse modenhedsmodeller
- Den definere 15 modenhedsområder fra disse modeller og kigger på de vigtigste
- Han kigger dernæst på hvad der ligger i et digitalt mindset ved at se nærmere på digital kultur
Teichert (2019) - Digital transformation
maturity: a Systematic review
Gokalp - DX-CMM
Gökalt et al.: Provides a specific ruler (DX-CMM) to measure the height of your digital transformation.
Teichert: Analyzes existing rulers used to measure digital transformation maturity, identifying their strengths, weaknesses, and potential for improvement.
Teichert (2019) - Digital transformation
maturity: a Systematic review
Hvad er det vigtigste fra artiklen omkring digitalt mindset?
Hvad der ligger i et digitalt mindset - kultur. De 6 vigtigste:
- Collaboration across boundaries
- Agility and flexibility - quickly sensing and responding to changes in the environment
- Learning from failures, experimenting
- Change-ability - openness to change ways of working - constantly reinventing itself
- Failure tolerance - no-blame culture, failure means learning
- Risk tolerance - Taking risks
Ibarra, H & Scoular, A. ‘The Leader as
What are the key points?
- Traditionelt set fortalte ledere medarbejderne, hvad de skulle gøre.
- Nu kræver hurtig forandring, at medarbejderne tilpasser sig og innoverer.
- Ledere agerer som coaches ved at stille spørgsmål, yde støtte og hjælpe medarbejderne med at finde deres egne løsninger.
- Dette skift kræver træning og øvelse, da god coaching indebærer en balance mellem at dele viden og at trække den ud af andre.
Ibarra, H & Scoular, A. ‘The Leader as
What is the GROW model?
The GROW model is a helpful framework for nondirective coaching conversations. It involves:
- Setting Goals, - Hvad ønsker du
- Exploring Reality, Hvad sker der ligenu
- Brainstorming Options, Hvad kunne du gøre
- Building Will to take action. Hvad vil du
Feedback loops til setting goals
Ibarra, H & Scoular, A. ‘The Leader as
To create a coaching culture, companies need to:
- Clearly communicate the benefits of coaching, both for the company and individual employees.
- Have leaders model coaching behaviors by asking questions, listening attentively, and creating a safe space for open communication.
- Invest in training and resources to develop coaching skills throughout the organization.
- Remove barriers that discourage coaching, such as performance reviews focused on judgment and punishment.
Ibarra, H & Scoular, A. ‘The Leader as
What are the benefits to coaching?
- Improved employee performance and innovation:
By helping employees find their own solutions, coaching empowers them to take ownership and adapt to rapid change. - Enhanced problem-solving and decision-making:
Through coaching questions, employees explore situations more thoroughly and develop stronger solutions. - Increased motivation and engagement:
Feeling supported by a coach who listens and asks thought-provoking questions can boost employee morale and commitment. - Stronger leadership:
Coaching replaces a command-and-control style with a more collaborative approach, fostering trust and respect between leaders and employees. - Culture of continuous learning:
Coaching encourages open communication and a willingness to experiment, leading to a more adaptable and innovative organization. - Improved communication and collaboration:
By asking questions and actively listening, coaching helps people express themselves clearly and work together more effectively.
Stein - Designing a Digital Workplace
Why is it needed?
Traditional office work with set hours and physical offices is being replaced by more flexible work arrangements.
Smart work uses digital technologies to allow employees to work from anywhere and collaborate with others in real-time.
Stein - Designing a Digital Workplace
What are the four key elements that contribute to a successfull smart work environment
- Technologies of the digital workplace:
Video conferencing, file-sharing platforms, and social media tools, MS Teams, AI, MIRO - The workforce:
The people who work for the organization, and their skills and abilities to work flexibly. - New ways of working:
Flexible work schedules, remote work options, and new approaches to collaboration. - Leadership:
This refers to the styles and behaviors of leaders that can help to create a successful smart work environment. - Link to coaching
Stein - Designing a Digital Workplace
What does it mean that the 4 key elements are complimentary?
We need to consider how decisions about each element impact the others.
The four elements of a smart digital workplace (technology, workforce, new ways of working, and leadership) need to be considered together, not in isolation. Each element should complement the others to achieve the overall goal.
The stair diagram:
1. Identify and describe a technology capability to achieve the goal
2. Identify and describe a workforce solution complementary to technology to achieve the goal
3. Identify and describe new ways of working complementary to technology and workforce to achieve the goa
4. (Identify and describe leadership capability complementary to technology, workforce and new ways of working to achieve the goal
What is the Fullstream Transformation Model
It is a strategic view that ensures leaders understand the full process they are guiding. That strategic view of the full process to Digital Transformation which comprises three stages: Upstream, Midstream, Downstream.
I think you can think of this as each transistion as part of the digital transformation.
What is the Fullstream Transformation Model - Stage 1
Prepare to Lead the Change - Communicate and build commitment - Assess the situation to determine design.
Often underestimated
What is the Fullstream Transformation Model - Stage 2
Design den nye tilstand - Analyse the effekt - Plan and organize for implementation.
What is the Fullstream Transformation Model - Stage 3
Implement the change - Celebrate and integrate the new state - Learn and course correct –> Back to Stage 1.
The solutions designed in the Midstream phase are put into place, and the organization moves toward its future state.
It has the opportunity to adjust in real time to make the new reality work optimally.
Hvordan definere Louise forretningsdesign?
Som den holistiske organisatoriske konfiguration af mennesker (roller, ansvarlighed, strukturer, færdigheder), processer (workflows, rutiner, procedurer) og teknologi (infrastruktur, applikationer) for at definere værdiforslag og levere tilbud, der er muliggjort af kapaciteterne af digitale teknologier
Hvad er ulempen ved strukturering over design?
Strukturering skaber organisatoriske siloer, der hæmmer integrationen.
Silo-organisationer er karakteriseret ved deres effektivitet inden for siloer, ikke deres effektivitet på tværs af siloer.
Ofte introducerer ledere matrix-strukturer for at give deres kunder ét ansigt og skabe sammenhæng i hele virksomheden. Matricer kan lette udførelse af standardprocesser for et lille sæt delte tjenester.
MEN. De understøtter ikke udviklingen af et sæt af informationsberigede digitale tilbud i konstant udvikling
What are the 4 levels of coaching?
- Directive coaching
“telling.”, mentoring, leaders solving the problem, which does not build organizational capacity. - Laissez-fair coaching & - Non-directive coaching
Leave them alone, all is well. Leaders work to draw wisdom, insight and creativity out of the people they are coaching . Help them learn to resolve problems and cope with challenges on their own. This does not come naturally to managers. - Situational coaching
The sweet spot and the aspiration for leaders. First practice non-directive a lot and only then start to balance that ability with periods of helpful directive coaching to hit the right balance.
Hvordan fikser forretningsdesign problemerne med strukturering
Ikke ved at restrukturere. Ikke ved at sætte en sluttilstand. Ikke kun ved at fik IT arkitektur. MEN ved at ændre en virksomheds mennesker, processer og teknologi. Disse tre elementer interagerer, og forandringstempoet i den digitale økonomi betyder, at én – og derfor alle – vil være i konstant forandring.
Designed for Digital
Hvad er problemerne med strukturering?
Pågrund af “det sømløse” kræver digitale tilbud hurtigere beslutningsgange og handling på tværs af funktionelle siloer og forretninggange.
Når siloer leverer digitale tilbud, sendes et stigende antal beslutninger op i hierarkiet og diskuteres på tværs af siloer, besluttet af ledere langt væk fra den operationelle virkelighed og kommunikeres tilbage til der hvor aktiviteten foregår.
Digital virksomheder kan ikke vente på disse langstrakte beslutningsprocesser, og de har ikke råd til manglen på synkronisering mellem beslutninger og handlinger I forskellige dele af virksomheden, når de samtidigt forsøger at forestille, udvikle, markedsfører og understøtte digitale tilbud.