Strand 2: Data Linkage and Thematic Mapping Flashcards
Example of Attribute data
Census Data
How much does the Census cost?
£482m - less than £1 per year
Characteristics of Census data
- Cross-sectional snapshot of population on single data
- Source of secondary data
- Can be examined at several geographical levels
- Total enumeration of national population
- Confidentiality is protected (Criminal offense to disclose individual data)
- Decennial since 1801
- Coverage = Comprehensive
- Coverage = Consistent (Asked same questions)
- Completion = Compulsory
Why do we need the Census?
- Useful source for students/ dissertation
- Provides Authorities with consistent nation/local information about: Population, Housing, Employment, Education etc…
- Businesses use it to assess markets and location planning
- Informs more than £50bn of local authority expenditure per annum
- Re-calibration of mid-year population estimates between censuses.
Name 2 online sources of Census Data
2. InFuse (New system makes it easier for users)
Why is InFuse easier?
- Find census information which meets their needs
- Able to understand the meaning and origin of Census info
- Download Census information in forms that facilitate its use
What do all GIS resources need?
Metadata - important for the integrity of any analysis
What descriptive information does metadata provide?
- Content
- Quality
- Condition
- Origin
- Other characteristics e.g who, where, why
What is the primary objective of a Choropleth map?
To symbolise magnitude of statistics for areas
What data uses Choropleth maps?
Used for Standardised data e.g rates, densities, percentages (%)
E.g. Rate of various ethnicities in a city region
What is the convention for colors on a Choropleth map?
Bright Colors or Darker shading for high values
What maps are used for Count Data?
Proportional Symbol Maps - use symbols proportional in size to the values they represent
What are Dot Maps?
Where individuals or groups of events are marked with a dot, sees patterns such as clustering e.g John Snow
What are the 5 method of selecting class intervals?
- Equal range - e.g. 1-4, 5-9, 10-14 etc.
- Equal Count - ensuring the same number of counts in each class interval e.g. 5 data sets in each interval
- Natural Break - computer assigns classes based on natural clusters
- Standard Deviation
- Quartiles - e.g. class intervals created in quintiles, for example a new class interval after 20% people who are unemployed
What does choosing intervals make easy to do?
LIE or DISTORT truth