stomach Flashcards
gastric layes
glandular layer of stomach
holding layer of the stomach
contribute to collagen production
smooth muscle cells
fasting prior to stomach sx
8-12 hours
given this to keep acidity in stomach lower prior to sx
H2 antagonists
surgical approach for the stomach
dorsal recumbency
ventral midline celiotomy
this ligament has its own blood supply and will need ligated when doing an abdominal surgery or exploratory
falciform ligament
instrument used for visualization in the abdominal exploratory
balfour retractors
tradition closure of the stomach
double inverting - cushing pattern with submucosa, serosa and muscularis
oversewn with lambert
what situations would you use a single layer closure on the stomach
pyloric outflow tract
reduced gastric volume
thickened gastric wall
suture material used in gastric closure
must resist degradation for 14 days
monofilament nonabsorbable
avoid braided - bacteria
most common indication for gastrotomy
gastric foreign bodies
what 3 conditions predispose PICA
iron deficiency
hepatic encephalopathy
pancreatic exocrine insufficiency
DX of choice to see gastric FB
rads (serial before sx - item may move)
u/s are not 100% because gas in stomach can shadow items
emetic in dogs
emetic in cats
make gastrotomy incision in hypervascular area on the ventral aspect of the stomach between the greater and lesser curvature
FALSE - HYPOvascular
all the rest of the statement is correct
lavage after gastrotomy with sterile saline at what temp
98.6 - 102.2
after closing the gastrotomy site what should be done before abdominal closure
change gloves and instruments
after gastrotomy - animals should have food and water within ___ hours
12 hours
congenital pyloric stenosis is common in what dog breeds
*also siamese cats
when do clinical signs appear for congenital pyloric stenosis dogs
at weaning
what is congenital pyloric stenosis
hypertrophy of the circular muscles of the pylorus – may be due to increased gastric production
on contrast rads of a puppy who has been intermittently vomiting, you see an apple core or beak appearance
congenital pyloric stenosis
*there will also be gastric distention and delayed gastric emptying (>8 hrs)
surgical procedure for congenital pyloric stenosis
transverse pyloroplasty
recurrence less likely
chronic hypertrophic pyloric gastropathy signalment and signs
small dog breeds
males > females
middle aged
increased gastrin production?
intermittent vomiting
chronic hypertrophic pyloric gastropathy diagnostic tool
muscularis <4mm
pyloric wall <9mm
Grade 1 CHPG
muscular hypertrophy only
grade 2 CHPG
mucosal hyperplasia with glandular cystic dilation only
grade 3 CHPG
muscular hypertrophy and mucosal hyperplasia
CHPG surgical options
heineke-mikulicz pyloroplasty
Y-U pyloroplasty
pylorectomy with gastroduodenostomy - bilroth I
single pedicle advancement from antrum across pylorus
Y-U pyloroplasty
advantage of the bilroth 1
all diseased tissue can be removed
what is the bilroth 2
bilroth 2 complications
- alkaline gastritis from bile and pancreatic secretions flowing into stomach
- blind loop syndrome - gastric contents moving orally
- marginal ulceration of the jejunal mucosa which is not used to seeing acid
most common species of phycomycosis and where it comes from
pythium sp. - gulf coast states
phycomycosis pathopysiology and clinical signs
severe inflammation and infiltrative lesion
transmural thickening
vomit, wt loss, diarrhea, not hungry, palpable masses
what is the best way to dx pycomycosis
histopath - eosinophilic pyogranulomatous inflammation
elisa for P. insidiosum antibodies
Tx phycomycosis
Wide surgical excision
antifungals - itraconazole
POOR Prognosis (26.5 days)